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A reporter that actually knew what he was talking about?!? Can it be true?

He must have been one of the news channels pilots they were talking to.




The pilot of the helicopter shooting the video was also most likely the reporter.

A reporter that actually knew what he was talking about?!? Can it be true?

He must have been one of the news channels pilots they were talking to.





That pilot, Rob Marshall, is one of the best out there. I used to work for a while at a FBO in Sacramento, CA when Rob worked at the station there. He is an AWESOME pilot and a great reporter. He always had his dog Dylan with him.



Last year, Dylan had to be put to sleep. I have NEVER seen a dog love to fly like Dylan did.


Yeah, it looked like a fairly nasty stuck left pedal too. He did a nice job of putting it down there.


Lefty's are tough since they like to spin once you get it slowed to a hover. We used to practice beeping the governor or retarding the throttle (Astar) while in the low flare. The theory being, if you get the rpm down you are slowing the tailrotor too and reducing it's authority.


It actually works pretty nice in an Astar if you do it right. Gotta be careful you don't shut the engine down though...


In the hover in a 500 we were taught to pull in some power and beep down the governer...it seemed to work every time...and then a very slow gradual descent down for a zero/zero landing with no yaw...just have to watch the RPM does not drop too much. Otherwise if we were inflight and if I remember correctly, we made for a shallow approach into wind with speed on and gradually reduced the speed to see if we could bring the thing back into the hover for a near zero zero landing. I know there are a few methods that are taught for this malfunction. Perhaps others can share what they have been taught as a couple have done before in this thread.

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