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Flight Planning/weight & Balance/logbook Software


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I was curious to know if anyone uses either Logbook Pro (US based) or Aloft (CAN Based)

or any others for that matter?


unless perhaps the fail safe, no battery replacement needed, can't crash, doesn't delete all your Flight Log if you press the wrong button or asks you repeatedly if your sure; The good old Paper & Pen works just fine B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just use an excel sheet that I periodically email to myself at my company email address for "backup" purposes...


I'm quite surprised that no one (aside from yourself so far) as posted here.


I suppose there isn't anything complicated that paper and a pen can't work out.

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Did it occur to you that this is an ultra boring topic?




:D well, boring wasn't the word I was thinking it might come across as, and certainly not "ultra boring" but your quite right.


After the second day it was posted, I did try to see if I could some how remove it (since I posted it) figuring it was just not something anyone cared enough about to discuss.


Bright side though (gotta have one)... I've learned something

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I feel sorry for you Chaz, so I'll answer:


I use FltDuty XLS to track my duty time and flight hours to be CARs compliant, and I use a homemade Excel spreadsheet to actually enter my hours and print them and keep them in a binder with certifications stamps and all that. It follows exactly the same fields as a standard ASA paper logbook. It has the advantage of automatically doing the totals at the bottom of each page and as a bonus tallies my hours by type and so forth...


What a boring tpic :rolleyes:



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Yep....Eric Bradley's Flight Duty XLS program is being incorporated and used by many operators and pilots.


But I religiously fill out my personal log book, and have so since becoming a pilot. I am now on book 3 (large), the log books are more than just numbers, it becomes your history......I have pictures and paragraphs, people and places, written in my old log books that are a fun reminder of where I came from, kind of like an old scapbook if you will.


Yes, what you guys are doing sounds sooooo boring.... :P

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