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Not a rumour, but true. The a/c landed hard at 10,000ft and was substancially damaged, no injuries apart from a scratch. The crew walked out to a NZ base and is safe. The crash was not caused by hostile forces.


CADORS Number: 2008P0111 Reporting Region: Pacific


Occurrence InformationOccurrence Type: Accident Occurrence Date: 2008/01/15

Occurrence Time: Day Or Night:

Fatalities: 0 Injuries: 0


Canadian Aerodrome ID: Aerodrome Name:

Occurrence Location: Afphanistan Province:

Country: AFGHANISTAN World Area: Middle East


Reported By: The Company AOR Number:

TSB Class Of Investigation: TSB Occurrence No.:

Event InformationCollision with terrain

Weather - clear air turbulence (CAT)/wind shear/turbulence

Aircraft InformationFlight #:

Aircraft Category: Helicopter Country of Registration: CANADA

Make: BELL TEXTRON - USA Model: 212

Year Built: 1980 Amateur Built: No

Engine Make: PRATT & WHITNEY-CAN Engine Model: PT6T-3B

Engine Type: Turbo shaft Gear Type:

Phase of Flight: Cruise Damage: Destroyed


Operator Type: Commercial


Detail InformationUser Name: Samson, Donna

Date: 2008/01/23

Further Action Required: Yes

O.P.I.: System Safety

Narrative: The pilot of the Tasman Helicopters Bell B212, located in Afghanistan, had encountered bad weather, made a left turn, and got into a down-draft, which forced him into terrain. No mechanical issues were reported. There were no injuries and the pilot and passengers walked to a nearby base. The aircraft was a write-off and is not recoverable. The Company Person Responsible for Maintenance (PRM) advised the company has contacted the Person of Interest (POI) regarding this accident.

Guest bag swinnger

A New Zealand serviceman has been injured in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan and is being brought home to recover.


The crash happened on January 16 and the serviceman was evacuated to Bagram Air Base for immediate treatment. He underwent a minor surgical procedure, the Defence Force said today.


Eight people were on board the USAID Bell 212 helicopter, including five members of the New Zealand Provincial Reconstruction Team (NZPRT), and it was en-route to a forward patrol base from the main Kiwi base in Bamyan province when the accident happened.


Commander Joint Forces Major General Rhys Jones said the accident highlighted the extraordinary working conditions the NZPRT face in Afghanistan.


"I am grateful that no one was seriously injured and that all personnel are now safe," he said.


The reason for the crash is being investigated.



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