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Her is the neBraconnage Poaching

90 000 $ d'amendes $ 90000 fines

Daniel Renaud Daniel Renaud

Le Journal de Montréal Le Journal de Montreal

18/12/2007 10h00 18/12/2007 10:00


Pour avoir chassé l'orignal avec l'aide d'un hélicoptère, Québec condamne à 90 000 $ d'amendes douze braconniers, dont le président d'une compagnie d'hélicoptères du Lac-Saint- Jean et deux propriétaires d'une pourvoirie de la Côte-Nord. To have hunted moose with the help of a helicopter, Quebec condemnation of $ 90000 fines twelve poachers, including the president of a company helicopter du Lac-Saint-Jean and two owners of an outfitter on the North Shore.

Votre opinion: Your opinion:

Estimez-vous les amendes assez importantes pour décourager les braconniers? Do you consider the fines large enough to deter poachers?




Tout le monde se rappelle sans doute les images prises par les agents de la faune lors de l'opération baptisée Bourdon et menée en novembre 2006 sur la Côte- Nord. Everyone no doubt remembers the pictures taken by wildlife officers during the operation dubbed Bourdon and conducted in November 2006 on the North Shore.



On pouvait y voir des orignaux morts suspendus dans le vide, pendant au bout d'une corde attachée à un hélicoptère. You could see dead moose hanging in the void, for at the end of a rope attached to a helicopter. Les braconniers utilisaient l'appareil pour rabattre leur gibier sans défense. Poachers used the camera to back their game without defense.



Après un an de processus judiciaire, les braconniers ont reconnu leur culpabilité et le ministère des Ressources naturelles leur a imposé de substantielles amendes et suspendu le permis de chasse de neuf d'entre eux pour deux ans. After a year of court process, poachers have admitted their guilt and the Ministry of Natural Resources has imposed substantial fines and suspended hunting license nine of them for two years.



Une amende salée A fine salt



À lui seul, André Martel de L'Anse- Saint-Jean, président de la compagnie Hélicoptères Panorama d'Alma, a été condamné à près de 48 000 $ d'amende pour avoir notamment pourchassé du gros gibier à l'aide d'un hélicoptère à six reprises. By itself, André Martel L'Anse-Saint-Jean, president of the company Panorama Helicopters Alma, was sentenced to almost $ 48000 fine for having chased including the big game with the aid of a helicopter six times.



M. Mr. Martel est également membre du conseil d'administration de l'Association d'hélicoptères du Canada. Martel is also a board member of the Helicopter Association of Canada.



Joint par le Journal, l'homme d'affaires a refusé de commenter, mettant fin brusquement à la conversation. Joined by the Journal, the businessman refused to comment, abruptly ending the conversation.



Un autre membre de l'Association d'hélicoptères du Canada, le directeur général Brian Jenner, de Québec, a été condamné à près de 7000 $ d'amende pour avoir possédé illégalement de la viande d'orignal. Another member of the Helicopter Association of Canada, the General Manager Brian Jenner, Quebec, was sentenced to almost $ 7000 fine for possession of illegal moose meat.



Pourvoirie éclaboussée Outfitter witnessing



Deux propriétaires de la pourvoirie du lac Matonipi, sur la Côte-Nord, dans le secteur où ont eu lieu les actes de braconnage, ont aussi été condamnés. Two owners of the Lake outfitter Matonipi, on the North Shore, in the area took place poachers, were also sentenced.



Clément Guérin de Saint-Lazare, a été condamné à 11 637 $ d'amende et Pierre Robert, à près de 5 000 $ d'amende, notamment pour possession illégale de viande. Clement Guerin of Saint-Lazare, was sentenced to a fine of $ 11637 and Pierre Robert, to nearly $ 5000 fine, especially for illegal possession of meat.



Les autres contrevenants, Donald Manuel, d'Alma, André Savard, de Saint-Félicien, Pierre Asselin, de Grand-Mère, Marcel Villeneuve, de Saguenay, Yves Potvin, de Saint-Félicien, Germain Bournival, de Saint-Boniface, Sylvain Giasson, de Saint- Lazare, et Francis Paquin, de Shawinigan, se sont vu imposer des amendes variant de 6800 $ à 320 $. The other offenders, Donald Manuel, Alma, Andre Savard, Saint-Felicien, Pierre Asselin, Grandma, Marcel Villeneuve, Saguenay, Yves Potvin, Saint-Felicien, Germain Bournival, St. Boniface, Sylvain Giasson, Saint-Lazare, and Francis Paquin, Shawinigan, were imposed fines ranging from $ 6800 to $ 320.


wpapre article inits entireltiy




Please do not make any posts that contain threats, or information that cannot be proven in regards to the original post. The post itself will remain as it is public domain since it was published in the Montreal Journal.


Thank you.


I guess those guys will be eating "TURKEY" for the holidays.


Is that all helicopters are good for???




Thanks guys, keep up the good work.




I don't see why everyone thinks this is such a shocking practice. It happens all the time.

A few years ago a machine arrived with a moose on a longline and dropped it right in front of a hanger at Goose Bay, and then they proceeded to cut it up right in the hanger. Up till then I thought that sh-t had stopped years ago. Guess I was wrong. :down: :down: :down:

I don't see why everyone thinks this is such a shocking practice. It happens all the time.

A few years ago a machine arrived with a moose on a longline and dropped it right in front of a hanger at Goose Bay, and then they proceeded to cut it up right in the hanger. Up till then I thought that sh-t had stopped years ago. Guess I was wrong. :down: :down: :down:


The problem here is not to sling, longline the moose back to camp, nothing wrong with that, but it is to spot the moose with the helicopter and then "herd it" ( i believe it is the word for that) toward the hunter for him to shoot it a close range, he just sits there and wait for the animal to show up or to spot it and then shoot the moose from the aircraft in flight. It is an illegal practice.


People have been fined before doing this kind of thing.


Check the regs in your province, they differ greatly.


In BC a helicopter can not be used for transporting recreational hunters at ANY time. You can not even fly them into or out of a hunting lodge. Hunters can go into hunting lodges by fixed wing, but are prohibited from hunting until the next day, just in case they spotted any game on the way in.

In BC a helicopter can not be used for transporting recreational hunters at ANY time. You can not even fly them into or out of a hunting lodge.



And don't go slinging any meat with your favourite helicopter in BC - cause you will loose it, if you get caught!!


Interesting,.... since the natives in QC can hunt and transport with helicopters. (Caribou)


But boo on you Gerry for singling one person out of the bunch! :down: :down: :down:

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