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Cambox - more like "A star is stunned".


Hey FatStar, easy there big fella. She-TD, or Crash Test Lady, or "she who must be obeyed", finds eternal happiness on a daily basis with me


Longranger, will say hi to SW and MW. She''s still a "ball of fire." Somethings never change I guess...


Hey CTD......... How about........ A Star Is Born


Hey Flinger...shouldn''t you be looking for a job instead of flappin yur gums??!!


Where are ya dese days anyway by''?? If you''re gonna stop by CTD''s again soon let me know. I''ll try to show up at the same time so we can terrorize da big brute. Show him how to really smoke salmon so SheDT will finally find eternal happiness!! By the way, you sleep with the cat, I get to sleep with the spare bed!!


Mr. Rideout,


I'm not sure when I'm gonna be back in the Capital. I am going to be in Montreal for Easter and am sure there will be plenty of debauchary. Enough for the three of us no doubt. DT's fer days ol man.


Heli Vodka,


What was the name of that French Scotch? I want something to go with my new haircut. 14.gif Jealous? (Of the scotch... of course 11.gif )


Hey ####, are you going to take Longranger out on the town when he shows up for his check ride. I here there is a new ballet opening there soon.


Mag - His machine will be the one with the lap belt extenders, ballast in the tail cone and oversized milkshake holders.


Punk - that French scotch was called "Vieux Sam". Easy on the hair jokes there Fluffy, I''ll put that picture I''ll create I have of you in Vortex.

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