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Thanks everyone, a little patience to make sure I dont blast through questions and I should be alright. Ive just read some test taking guides etc written by a couple forum members and am quite impressed with it.


Im sure when and if it goes on to the market everyone should go through a copy befor attempting the written.


Thanks again everyone Ill let you all know the verdict tomorrow befor I get back.


Ive been informed that the flight test is going to be pushed back a few days to provide me with a bit more time to get the hours in, but I will still be doing the test at exactly 75 hours.





Its a pass!


You might recall my air law mark on my PPL-FW was my lowest mark on that exam. This time around it was my highest mark at 94%


So first thing tomorrow its back to AJ3. The flight test has been pushed back a few weeks so as it stands were going to do some long line work and mountain work followed by a few hours of review for the flight test... im sure theres going to be some contraversy over the whole slinging at less then 80 hours thing but Id like to remind the people who seem to send a carbon copy of the same email that you have less then 10% of the hours the person sitting next to me does, Im not saying that I'm a helicopter god, but neither of us are willing to do anything that will put us, or the helicopter, in any danger.


With that, im looking forward to learning how to longline, this is were it gets really fun haha.


Im wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks for longlining that they use Id be intrested in finding out what sorts a great pilot away from all the good pilots.





No longline experience to pass on, but a big hearty congrats on the pass!


Have fun,




Good work, Cole!


Longlining: Relax, enjoy the view. The rest will come with time, and it sounds like your man in the other seat'll have plenty of pointers for ya. Dress warmly!!






Dress warmly haha that one totally slipped my mind. Forgot about the whole lack of a door thing...


Thanks daz, you realize now youre going to have to do one of these whole blog things aswell eh?


Oh yes indeedy!


S'ok, I enjoy writing. Especially about things I dig. :D

Its a pass!


Way To Go Cole!!!!!


"Luck" is when hard work and opportunity come together. You've worked hard and now reaping the rewards...


Long Line?


Don't try to rush it, and keep the movements to a minimum if you can :shock:


Don't try to "pull" the load, but try to get on top of it...


There will be a lots to remember. :oops:


Haha, actually my last job befor heading to helicopter school was running a crane so I have the basics of load management and assesment down but its a much different view looking straight down on it.


Thanks again everyone.


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