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Group 1 Ifr Over To Group 4


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What would it take for someone to get the Group 4 IFR if they have an Group 1 which lapsed in Feb 2007 ? As far as I understand I have two years before having to write again. I hold commercial fixed wing with about 3500 hrs. Was an IFR training Captain on Navajos, and I have the Commercial Heli with Night rating and about 800hrs on robbies. Also any training schools out west, I'm in edmonton.



Any info would be greatly appreciated.



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For the group 4 you only need 5 hours IFR training in the heli, the rest can be in a plane to help cut the costs. Might be best to call up Tansport Canada and see what they'd credit from your group 1 to a group 4.


The folks at Pro IFR and Heli College on the west coast might know too, they're the main IFR heli trainers out west.

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