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Limitations On Private License


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Im wondering if someone could shed some light on this for me. I'd like to know if a private license would allow one to fly his own machine in service for others? I don't imagine carrying passengers but flying solo, doing surveying or scouting work.

Does it make a difference if the pilot is the owner of the helicopter(and the business) offering it's services?

Sorry if this is a ridiculous question, Im too new to know any better.


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"the holder of a private pilot license is not permitted to fly for hire or reward"


No profit may be made off the flying of the aircraft... that being said i know many fixed wing pilots whos photographic skill has earned them quite a little fortune.

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A commercial license is also a tax write off where as a private license is not (to my knowledge). This makes it almost pointless to just get the 60hrs private license.


I met a fellow with an R22 that does wildlife rescue and release in difficult to access areas. He volunteers himself, the machine and all expenses to various rehab and rescue facilities and is able to claim it all as a charitable donation, just like if you gave a couple bucks to the red cross. So if you do good work, the private license isn't entirely pointless.

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