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Provincial Ratings

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Which province do most folks like working for forestfire fighting?

This question is posed more with safety, efficientcy, professionalism and operational gudelines in mind (not pay, minimums or averaging info)


Feel free to rate them all out of 10 (10 being highest) or what you like most and least of different Provinces




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I personally like The mountains so B.C. is it for me. There are some pretty sweet spots to be posted at here with lakes, beaches, and yes, excellent microbreweries very nearby. You have averaged mins over 2-5 days and sometimes day to day. Whatever, I've been hired in B.C. for five days doing nothing while it rained. At the end of 5, still raining, extended, just in case when the weather improved to actually fly and have a look around. Not to mention being close to home. Every crew I've worked with so far in B.C. have been tolerable to Excellent.


My 2 bits

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I personally like The mountains so B.C. is it for me. There are some pretty sweet spots to be posted at here with lakes, beaches, and yes, excellent microbreweries very nearby. You have averaged mins over 2-5 days and sometimes day to day. Whatever, I've been hired in B.C. for five days doing nothing while it rained. At the end of 5, still raining, extended, just in case when the weather improved to actually fly and have a look around. Not to mention being close to home. Every crew I've worked with so far in B.C. have been tolerable to Excellent.


My 2 bits


I like BC and Ontario Forestry the best. The Alberta guys seem a little more militant and hard to get along with. This is just my experience and hence probably isn't worth much. I have nothing but good experience with the BC and Alberta crews.

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too much BS in Ont. don't care to go back. :down:


always had a good time and treated well in Man, Sask and Alta :punk:


if i had to pick my fav it would be Alberta :up: ESPECIALLY RAP!! :up:


it's been so many years since i flew fires in BC i don't think i could rate them (1992).........

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