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previously excellent DOM of Bailey. Now of Guardian. right descission?

To Guardian?????????? Out of the frying pan and into the fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...........I pre-date 'baby boomers' and I'll have you know that they were all trained to take over for the likes of me when we finally hang-them-up. I haven't done so yet, so it's me and my kind that you want to blame and leave the younger 'boomers' alone for a while because it's not their fault and they are stuck-in the same **** line-up I was stuck-in myself one time. So grab a drink, a chair and some sandwiches because you're going to be waiting a fair while longer yourself. There's your "News Flash" for the day. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Splitpin ------my how things have changed. One time it was being dragged out of a bar on a chair maybe and now it's dragged outta the bush in a pine box. How the mighty have fallen.....God help us! :(


Cap You only pre-date the baby boom by 2 years 1946-1954


Cap You only pre-date the baby boom by 2 years 1946-1954



that's 1946 - 1964 I'm near the end of the baby boomer line, so ya young whipper snappers ya gotta ways to wait




Wish a guy good luck and look what happens.....

I believe darcor's comment was hinting at why LT left.(as well as 12 others in 10 months)

And splitpin we don't want u to leave in a pine box, just a wheel chair with depends on.





don't people read these forums. they are suppose to help you make good decissions.


I (we) should base my (our) life (lives) on what a bunch of whinny pilots/engineers have to say??


(...even though on occassion I have been known to do the same) :oops:


There are a LOT more things to base a desicion on than whether or not some anonymous poster thinks that they have all the information that needs to be shared.


Take most free advice for what it is - you get what you pay for... B)

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