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Just writing this topic because I got a call yesterday from the recruiting center saying that I've been selected. I'll be out for mid-april to start my Officer Basic Trainning in St-Jean, Que. I tought the selection would only restart in April with the new fiscal year but it looks like I got my chance. So I would like to thank you all for "excisting". Its fun to have people to share your passion with, cause most of my friend really dont care about heli. I know a little of what's ahead of me but I'll never look back and I'll always be prepared to do more than whats expected of me.


If any of you are going to St-Jean in mid-April as well pm.


Thank you all


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none, some fixed wing hours but nothing else


The only time I was permited to "fly" a helicopter was when I worked seismic with Mustang. We we're onboard a 500 and the pilot who knew that I was really passionate by helicopters asked me: "Do you wanna pilot??"I was trilled but quickly realised that the only cyclic (single pilot) was right between the pilot's leg (crouch region to be more precise and the cyclic was looking way to much like a woody). He then told me: "Be careful, its reaaaaaaaly sensitive".

Today I wich I would have been more confortable with this strange situation cuz I've only been confortable enough to put 2 finger on top of the cyclic and then move it a little.


I'll always remeber this sentence: Its veeeery sensitive cuz in fact it is VEERRRRRRRRRY SENSITIVE



Congratulations A-Star Leader. I think you're lucky because you might end up flying Griffons (412's to us civilians).

St-Jean's a good little city. If you need a few bar suggestions just let me know... but you'll likely only get one weekend free a month.



Congratulations A-Star Leader. I think you're lucky because you might end up flying Griffons (412's to us civilians).

St-Jean's a good little city. If you need a few bar suggestions just let me know... but you'll likely only get one weekend free a month.




Previous military pilot???

I wouldn't mind to fly the Cormorant or the Cyclone either, as long as it spinns and makes a lot of noise!!!!

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