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Looking For Advice And A New Job


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I have unexpectedly found myself on the unemployment line. So, now I'm looking anywhere for the next job, but since my experience is largely limited to military flying, I find I don't really know what to expect for working conditions, etc.. I would welcome posts or PMs telling me what to look out for.


I hold both fixed and rotory wing ATPs. Any jobs out there where I can hope to fly both types or am I smoking rope? I have HV07 and AS350 type endorsements and B206 time from my training, but no endorsement, so am I right thinking that any company that has to train me up on a new type will probably want a training bond?


I know these things have been covered in previous threads, but I don't know how to sift through that many threads in a reasonable length of time.

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The only folks to use the 107 in Canada (that I know of) are Helifor for logging on the West Coast, and some occasional forest fire or oil-field service work. Their machines are supplied through a partnership with Columbia from the U.S.

The work they do is usually fast, precision long-lining and therefore it is hard to get into the company unless you are reasonably proficient at this skill.


However, if you have at least 500 hours helicopter PIC time, a clean flying record from your previous employer, and some 350 and 206 time you should have a reasonable chance of getting a job in the commercial world. How much chance you have will depend on how much total time you have, attitude, "operational" experience, luck, and the 1000 other variables that it takes to get a job in this business. If you are the right person for the employer, he won't mind brushing-up your skills or endorsements, where necessary.

A pilot with a reasonable skill level (i.e. 107 experience) should NOT need to sign a contract of indenture (i.e training bond), though you may need to sign a contract of employment, (i.e. who pays the taxes/CPP, how long you are committed to the company etc.).


It will be difficult to find a company where you can fly both fixed and rotary. Some large companies use a fixed wing for crew changes and urgent parts deliveries, but usually the pilot just flies the fixed wing.


Some ex-military pilots adapt very well to the commercial world. It appears to be quite different from what you are familiar with.

Get out there, talk face to face with people, and Good Luck.

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