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The Lack Of Jet B

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Hey everybody,


In case you haven't heard there's been no Jet B made for awhile now due to problems at the refinery. In the case of our Astars this isn't a big deal because we can easily burn Jet A through any temperatures we're likely to face. However... what are the likely consequences of only having Jet A at minus 30 in a 205? Anyone ever face this sitiation (spelling intentional)? Anyone sitting on a whack of Jet B they'd like to sell?? Anyone see the size of that chicken???

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Guest Angry Egg Driver

We have been burning Jet b in our astar for over a month now.We are getting it from northwest Fuels in Terrace.I'm working 3 miles away from 4 of your asatrs in Tumbler right now..... :rolleyes: ...We just got our last load 3 days ago.....

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I've encountered problems with a 205, jet A and cold and high altitudes....there is a work-around...but only to a point.


The lack of available jet-b is going to hamper any kind of arctic flying....


the added cost of having fuel shipped to these locations is very expensive.....4 yrs ago, a barrel of jet-b was costing near $15/l to be delivered to Tuk.......from inuvik....so you can easily do the rough math for today's prices and points further from civilisation.


when the exploration increases, so will the demand....and hopefully the supply.

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The possibility of running into Jet A should be a "moot point" because Jet A hasn't been made for some time now. There's the possibility that a person runs into some older stuff, but I'd think that would start to be rare about now.


There are ways of getting around the problem at low altitudes as far as the 205 is concerned. That also depends on some conditions..........what kind of onboard heater one has and how much soot on the tail-boom you and the engineer are willing to put up with.

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Some guy -------ya "got me". That's exactly what I did mean. I got myself confused from another discussion about Jet fuels that I was having elsewhere and that was about JP8 as opposed to JetB. It also seems like some of the "newer crowd" at Arctic operations will have to have a gander into the -13 M & O Manual about using "other fuels" in colder operations. Just take more a/c soap along and make a deal with the engineer to buy him all the "pop" he wants to show your appreciation for his extra hard work at keeping the tail-boom clean. They're really good guys if you treat them right ya know. :up: :lol:

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Some guy -------ya "got me". That's exactly what I did mean. I got myself confused from another discussion about Jet fuels that I was having elsewhere and that was about JP8 as opposed to JetB. It also seems like some of the "newer crowd" at Arctic operations will have to have a gander into the -13 M & O Manual about using "other fuels" in colder operations. Just take more a/c soap along and make a deal with the engineer to buy him all the "pop" he wants to show your appreciation for his extra hard work at keeping the tail-boom clean. They're really good guys if you treat them right ya know. :up: :lol:

Oh Great one,


This unworthy pilot meant no disrespect he simply wanted to make sure he was properly informed.


Cheers SG

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