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FBI''s new theory on Flight 93 - Hijacker ordered to crash 9/11 jet

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Aug. 8, 2003. 01:00 AM


FBI's new theory on Flight 93

Hijacker ordered to crash 9/11 jet

FBI challenges passengers' role


Ted Bridis

Associated Press



WASHINGTON—U.S. investigators now believe that a hijacker in the cockpit aboard United Airlines Flight 93 instructed terrorist-pilot Ziad Jarrah to crash the jetliner into a Pennsylvania field because of a passenger uprising in the cabin.

This theory, based on the government's analysis of cockpit recordings, discounts the popular perception of passengers grappling with terrorists to seize the plane's controls.


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Friday, August 8, 2003 Posted: 7:14 AM EDT (1114 GMT)


Piecing puzzle of Sept. 11 flight


From Kevin Bohn and Kelli Arena


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- FBI analysis of the cockpit voice recorder from United Flight 93 indicates one of the hijackers may have instructed another hijacker to crash the plane.


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