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i have trouble believing the a/c was undamaged after a t/r strike of any type.. but still a good reminder to everyone, HJ... something like that ruins everyone's day...


a guy i played in a band with in high school with back in the 70's lost his dad to a t/r strike... was a geologist and for some reason, ended up near the back end of a 47... :(


NO the question boils down to whether these people were ever near an a/c to start with or just plain stupidity. those who've been around a/c would know better under most occasions.

Normally the HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer) controls the unloading and loading of pax and baggage on an offshore facility.



But a good offshore pilot will get out and keep an eye on things anyway. Its noisy and windy and people get excited. Ain't that right Red?

those who've been around a/c would know better under most occasions.


This assumption will get you into more trouble than you would care to have. While all common sense says this is true, don't ever let your guard down.


Crews going home aren't too concerned about rotating helicopter parts - "...just get us off this rig, now!" :bye:


Be careful boys, no one wants to write that accident report - or any other report, come to think of it! :stupid:

<_< People in general do stupid things around aircraft.......briefed or not, experienced people are complacent (ya,i know), lessor experienced can be nervous and hastey......now i remember why i prefer hauling logs... ;)
But a good offshore pilot will get out and keep an eye on things anyway. Its noisy and windy and people get excited. Ain't that right Red?



What? Get out? It's noisy and windy and people get excited!


If you are ever tempted to rely on common sense remember this mathematically proven statement... "NEARLY HALF THE PEOPLE YOU MEET ARE BELOW AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE"

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