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Anyone From Transwest Hang Out Here?

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Guess it would help if I remembered there are 2 Transwests. I'm looking for folk from the Transwest in BC.


Though by getting off my lazy arse I managed to track down 2 of ya here and PM'ed one of ya, might fire one off to the other as well.


Sorry if I confused anyone about who I meant.

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Ya, there's a few guys who peruse this forum from the squashed chicken. Unfortunately, a cople of them are pretty much illiterate and have to wait for their Mommas to read the topics for them. ha ha

Let the games continue Picapart and Helicopter Jim.

lot's of love,


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First of all, yes I am at Transwest but no I don't work there. I am a pilot and I have never worked a day in my life!!


Second. Never trust Picapart, Cheap Tuesdays or T55! They are all born under the same sign and known to be excessive in living life!! (read between lines for true meaning!)

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