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Another Question.



When flying a GPS overlay approach are you required to monitor the underlaying Navaids?




No , but its recom. that the pilot monitor the underlying naviads.



Just a few Qestions form your previous title,Grover, Tried to send a in the PM but my having some problems with PM capacity overflow.

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1. Further information needed? Is the ridge at 7500 ASL? What's the pressure? Is the temperature for 2000 feet or 9500?


2. 4 degrees on the ground, 6 in the air


3. Since GPS availability is not guaranteed, you would be very silly not to monitor the underlying approaches. Answer yes.



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The Solution to 1 is as follows


1. Alt 1- Alt 2/ 1000 *


(ISA)- ( Temp at IA) X 4


If I remember correctly!


Basically you are correcting for temp to find true altitude to fid out if you are going to clear the rige or plow into it.


Note- Minus +Minus is a plus


Give it a go!


The trick on 3 is that it is only reccomended that underlying nav aids be monitored- Not required- ( Typical TC confusion question)

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Thanks - that first one was bugging me, though I knew ISA deviation had to be in there somewhere. I still think the question is incomplete, though. One assumes the top of the ridge is also at 7500 ASL? The temperature at 2000 feet in ISA conditions should be 11.04 (15-3.96), so it's -40 from ISA, if you've just taken off, meaning that you have to apply a cold weather correction anyway. The correction is 160 per thousand feet, plus 90 for the 500, so if you ignore the pressure, you have to add 1210 to the 7500 to give you 8710 so you clear it by 790 feet. The speed may be something to do with aircraft category, if it's not a red herring.


No 3 is one of those areas where the exam has a different answer from reality.


JAA is full of those.



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