Helilog56 Posted February 24, 2006 Report Posted February 24, 2006 Yea, I agree with you cole. You have bad schools in canada, and bad ones in the states too. Rob, as far as best looking girls in Canada, i guess you have been in the bush too long. Canadian hockey(If that as anything to do with helicopters), finished about 8th place at the olympics. I just hate that everything is so much expensive in Canada, I guess i hate the government. :down: Anything else about Canada you want to whine about V? For someone that has had their training paid for by the taxpayer(s), you seem to show a lot of distain towards us. By the way....are you going to sign up for the Canadian Forces? Were (are) you ,not adult enough, to have done your research ahead of time to get a better idea what it may have entailed to get your foot in the door of this industry? I guess you must be above everyone one else, one that would not lower yourself to push a broom now and then, or help clean up a hangar. I'll bet your a real team player. Achieving a CHPL does not guarantee an immediate flying position in the industry, patience, hard work, honesty, integrity, and most of all, common sense will help you get there. I guess submitting a bit of time, to prove your personality and character traits are beneath you. Reading your posts, pretty much sums up how well you will fair in this business. If things are so much better else where, feel free to bless some other country with your presence, perhaps on a more permanent basis..... :down:
mtnhopper Posted February 24, 2006 Report Posted February 24, 2006 Cole Don't totally know what your asking, But here goes the A/C isn't owned buy operator though I'm sure it could be. An operator runs the gas plant and boosters and well heads to ensure a steady stream of gas, the term gas plant operator just means you baby sit all the above systems. It is a 24hrs aday job with the alarms going at all times during a 24hr period you have to be very mechanicly inclined and have a good understanding of preasures temps and oh ya in the winter months you do not fly as the skag is frozen so your on well head thawing duty for 4 -5 months Its a great job as far as money goes but if you think that your going to wear a nice new flight suit and fly around then think again. At the end of most days you'll park your machine and it'll look like you came out of the south end of a north bound moose but again the moneys good :up:
Htech Posted February 24, 2006 Report Posted February 24, 2006 mtnhopper no offence taken i understand what your saying. helilog- obviously, i never expected a flying job right away. Here is the question. Until they know me, and before the operator hires me. How do I prove that I am the best at pushing a broom and that I would be more than willing to clean the hanger or moving fuel drums in mosquito infested muskeg and a solid honest person of good character. You have 1000's of fresh grads competing and trying out for the same thing. everyone can say this about themselves proving it to someone you barely know is another thing. action and words.
hurler Posted February 24, 2006 Report Posted February 24, 2006 Holy High water HQ 56, he's a little discouraged, no need to rip him a new butt hole. We all have our moments. After spending 50K even if I thought I only had a slim chance, breaking into this industry i'd be a little pissed, afetr making a serious effort and nada. For the folks today its alot more challenging than it was in my day and I am sure your day as well. First insurance is a real crapper for the low timer today and fewer spots due to those insurance changes. I don't think he's doomed , just needs to put it into perspective. Like I said earlier even guys with 10,000 hours have balanced 2 careers. always better to make sure you have a backup so that the bills can get paid , and the job search goes on. Break!
hurler Posted February 24, 2006 Report Posted February 24, 2006 Speaking of the test of ones personality, does any body remember the D stubbs Sr. personality test. Now there's a man who put you to the test the day you walked in the door, I remember being sent to shoot goffers in a field. Those where the days when you had to get there on your own nickle, shut up and hope that you didn't draw too much attention to ones self. I guess a whole lot hasn't changed much. I remember the old man saying " don't talk much" do ya, Nop! I replied. followed by a eiry silience. In retrospect no that I am 20 years wiser , I really would of been an idiot to try to enguage in intelligent conversation with a man that was generating 10M net, and owned a fleet of 20 helicopters. ( was there really anything a 25 year old could say that would impress him? ). Glad I never went there! Then there was this one operator in northern ontario, and the first test was when you got picked up at the airport by the CP , he would ask you to drive back to the hanger for the interview . I remember this one guy that peeled out of the Airport parking lot, demonstrating his great driving ability, . I don't think he made it back to the hanger, and was driven back to the airport after a short coffe in town. 1'st impressions stick. Holy High water HQ 56, he's a little discouraged, no need to rip him a new butt hole. We all have our moments. After spending 50K even if I thought I only had a slim chance, breaking into this industry i'd be a little pissed, afetr making a serious effort and nada. For the folks today its alot more challenging than it was in my day and I am sure your day as well. First insurance is a real crapper for the low timer today and fewer spots due to those insurance changes. I don't think he's doomed , just needs to put it into perspective. Like I said earlier even guys with 10,000 hours have balanced 2 careers. always better to make sure you have a backup so that the bills can get paid , and the job search goes on. Break!
volition Posted February 24, 2006 Report Posted February 24, 2006 hq56, just because your pissed you push the broom, and probably still are.............does not mean we all have to, or did. I've meet plenty of guys that never pushed the broom, and in the forces, i'll be touching helicopters that you'll only be dreaming of touching. As far as 2 careers go, i agree, I work for one of the 5 major banks. I have something that you(HQ56), probably don't have, a degree. For you HQ56, at a grade 9 level, probably fat guy, that means university. Don't worry HQ56, when I'm flying for CHC, you can stay in your camp with only men to keep you company.
Genus Posted February 24, 2006 Report Posted February 24, 2006 volition, sorry dude, but you have just shot yourself in the head by having a go at a guy who has been in this industry way longer than you've been out of diapers. This is a small industry and anyone's point of view is fine until you step over the line.....and boy you've just won the Olympic gold for that last posting!
Skids Up Posted February 24, 2006 Report Posted February 24, 2006 from Helilog56 Volition ...to prove your personality and character traits... Think this has already been done...
Zoltar Posted February 24, 2006 Report Posted February 24, 2006 I`ve got to put in my 2 cents . If you are going to put 60`000 anywhere wouldn`t you want the most knowledgeable , experienced person you could find´´ Sorry but 250 hrs in a 22 or 44 doesn`t cut it !! It`s almost like the blind leading the blind!! I`m horrified that i`ve to go to the States to do an FAA conversion with an `INSTRUCTOR' that has less experience flying a helicopter than I had driving a car when I was 12 yrs old. GO FOR EXPERIENCE ALWAYS!
Helilog56 Posted February 24, 2006 Report Posted February 24, 2006 For those that feel I was to hard on V......well tough. I get sick and tired of the proverbial whining and slagging that goes on by a large part of this site, towards the industry....they want to voice their opininion, well so will i. It was my opinion (only) of V stepping over the line. He again demonstrated ,with his childish responce to my post , the type of character (personality) traits he has.......and if you really want to know V, for the 4 years I put in at UBC for my MBA, it sit's in a closet collecting dust, my ATPL does me a lot more.....I get to enjoy an industry, fly everything from Skycranes to 47's......something that I doubt you will ever get to do........
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