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How often do you get your hanger sweeped and if daily how long does it take? How many toilets do you need cleaned, windows washed, vacume etc that it would give someone a fulltime job all day everyday? question is this.. not very many small to medium companies have a need for a full time custodian/apprentice pilot. Most of the cleaning of aircraft is done by the pilots themselves or the AME apprentices. Not to sound negative which i am not,,, I am just realistic ,,

based on the ratio of newbies and custodian/pilot apprentice positions,,, from a newbie perspective(thats me) ,,, no one is hiring low time pre-rookie pilots and thats the bottom line.

The bathing story in a half frozen lake sounds refreshing to me. lol. talk about shrinkage ...

If I go to winnipeg lake right now and get a picture of myself bathing in the frozen lake would you hire me, would you be convinced i have what it takes to be a loyal apprentice and will you teach me to just to start up an astar?


Regards, HTech

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