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Hey all. I am back with VIH and will be starting full time this month.

Good people, good iron, good times.

Thanks for all the kind words.

Looks like I might get some 417 time, should be interesting, i'm not a huge fan of the 407, (I'm an A-Star man through and through) and I HATE FADEC and RADS.

Oh well, maby I'll get used to them.




Pinch-- you beer guzzlin'- wrench twistin old dog- back with VIH - full time yet???


What gives- Do ya have to make payments on that new laptop or what??


Ya shoulda stayed with the lap dancin- might'a bin cheaper Hahaha.


Happy New Year Ya Young Fart.




Hey Pinch,


Can't wait to hear you sing country tunes at the top of your lungs in unison with a certain other member of this forum. Don't forget the serious garlic exhaust from the gut as well. Twas good times. Thanks for leavin some beer when you left camp.


Cheers, :up:

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