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I've got two or three locked in a trunk with a bunch of others (Canadien, Lac St. Jean, Universal, Com-Peg, etc.). Sounds like they might be getting to be worth something, being AUTHENTIC, and not replicates. Mm- hmm. B)




I think if you checked you would find that the CHC Corporate Head Shed owns all the rights to all the identities of all the previous companies that went into what is now CHC.


Joni -----I am not at home at present, but will be about the middle of October. I'll PM you then and solve your problem post-haste.




"The Corporate Head Shed" should know that I have MANY more items of apparel and otherwise that I worked and/or paid for that are embossed "Okanagan Helicopters". I will do with them as I please and as Charlton Heston once stated........"from my cold, dead hands" anyone from St John's, Nfld will take them.


Hate to tell you this cap, but there is no-one left in St Johns, Nfld.


They are all based at Agar Drive in Vancouver these days.


The only thing that is missing from this entire operation today, is orange hats with a hummingbird on them! :shock:


Joni: Cap may be willing to part with a precious and priceless orange OK hummingbird cap, but don't EVEN ask him about his Molson I Am Canadian t-shirts. You will NEVER pry his cold, dead fingers from those...not even if you promise to drink Molson like a sailor! Ahahahaha. :blur: :bleh: :bye: (Hi, Cap!)


N1 -------How dare they move from St. John's, Nfld and not advise me. Then again, I moved also and didn't advise them either.



helicopterjim-----I have more than one and some are spares. Didn' think I had anymore than one and during a move I discovered a whole box of new ones, left over from my Base Manager days. I also have two versions of the older ones when the cap was all blue and the embossing was all in red. THOSE nobody gets....even with money.


TQN ------ohhhhh, go practice shovelling snow or something.

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