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Hey Guys


Since both Mike (Vertical Mag) and myself are members here how about passing on some feedback on both mags for us. Good positive feedback allows us both to develop magazines that you enjoy reading. We couldnt say much in the other forum because it was owned by the same guys who own Helicopters magazine.


Heli Ops


P.S. For those of you that havent seen the mag, and want sample copies to make an informed attempt at feedback, PM me or Mike at Vertical and we will send you a sample copy.


oh great! mikes over here now! just what our humour site needs - more perfect helicopter pictures...


read issue #2 over and over there mikee, even better than the first. well done. keep up the good work! can''t wait till my picture shows up in it...how does the song go " on the cover of the rolling stones..." (just kidding there CTD and 407 - before ya get all your diggs in!!!)


standin'' by the mail box waiting for da next one.


nail on the head there big CTD...


speaking of which, just got your latest rag and read page 2 first. so does this mean that the accidents will be published in the old format as per date, type location etc. in the vortex AFTER tsb does there final report?


I got a mag in the mail from blackmac...wow, those are some good pictures as well as informative articles. especially the piece about the chinook in new guinee.

Vref, no it doesn''t mean that at all. TSB only investigates a few every year, so that would not work. I''m still working on it.

well thats not going to work at all, thats no good. what kind of crap is that.

privacy act my a$$. what about prevention and safety??? seroius!



before you know it,  the next picture of the editor in the vortex, will have him wearing his turbin'' and ceremonial dagger? no? stinking commies... joking!

Guest Bullet Remington



Is that short for "Chome Top Dude???


I haven''t gotten to peruse one of those Vortex Mags since I was contracting with a company in Yellowknife, couple of years ago! It made one heck of a nice distraction while contemplating life, in the Loo!


So the question is, how do I get a regular read o'' those things?? Do I subscribe or do I have to spend, what is it now, 3 or 4 K to do a conversion to Driver/Engineer?


What say ye Chome Top Dude??



SHYTE!! Can''t get the smilie things to go anywhere ''cept at the end of the post!


Suppose to be one of those Halo things before and/or after "engineer"!!


Chome? What''s Chome? Did you mean CHROME? HooooAhhhh!!


Anyone, even engineers can get their own copy of the Toilet Tabloid that bears my picture. Send me your address and I''ll put you on the list. No charge, but you have to be nice to me or I''ll publish a picture of you sitting at the controls of an R22, making helicopter noises with your tongue stuck out. Don''t laugh, I can do it.


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