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Daft question about radios...

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Probably not the "right" place to ask, but:


- Do ground support vehicles usually have aviation radios fitted?

- Do any of you guys use them?

- Where''s a good place to buy one (West Coast)?

- What do they cost?



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when I worked out west all of the company trucks had FM radios installed in them and were programmed with all the seismic company freq''s.


a truck unit will run about $500.00.


you''d be better off to buy a portable and if you get the right one it can do vhf & fm all in one happy unit i beleive or at least get it programmed from buy your avionics buddy.


check out www.icomamerica.com or talk with your local avionics shop.


I hope this helps.





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Irrespective of how tough Icom claims their radios to be, they are not skidder-proof! If you are apt to leave your radios lying about in the mud where skidders frequent, and you find a radio missing, don't bother diggin it up as there will be nothing salvageable.


Guess how I know this 9.gif

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I can vouch for Icom radios, as I and others have in the havvock of spraying, bounced them off the back of spray trucks numerous times6.gif

But definitely get FM. VHF just doesn't do the job effectivly.

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You may try a Kenwood as well, very reasonable,easy to program. Handhelds will start around $400 and truck mounted about $500 plus installation. Ensure what you buy can be programed in the field! Most radios can be programed in the field if the dealer shows you how! They usually don''t so you bring the radio in to be reprogramed! $$$$. You may what to try "Ham" radio. You need an amature radio ticket to get one of these but can program most anything you like. I believe ''Yaeusu'' makes a nice little unit!

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Thanks lads.


When I read "about $500" I nearly leapt for joy as the unit I was looking at here in the UK (ICOM A110) is about £650.


I found ICOM Canada''s web site, and a BC dealer (why hadn''t I thought of that before ) - but they want $1299. Granted, the handhelds are "only" $400.


So, as a "newbie", is this a required piece of kit that I''d be expected to own??

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no way you should have to fork out for something like that!

The stuff about the VHF vs. FM is true. If the A/C has an FM, get an FM handheld....works way better. ICOM makes a pretty good VHF. Simple. Don''t bother with the expensive rechargables. Just get the alkaline battery pack. Easy to always have spare AA''s in the bush and they don''t crap out after one season.

A pigtail Push-to-talk to connect to a headset is useful too.

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Hey ChevyII......thought that avatar looked familar, why the change of names lad, tsk tsk. Kinda liked gooper personally. Speaking of which, can you imagine a pilot actually gooping the spray truck (little fat fella rolling around icon missing) never dreamed of doing such a thing to you.


Hey Flinger......that thing we were talking, give me a jingle and I will fill ya in, some of us are still laughing about the outcome

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