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Hey, you guys happy with the living conditions you have to put up with out there?

Are you in a tent or trailer or motel? Let us know, is it good enough or could it be improved?


Summer months:2 weeks on 2 weeks off, average 3.5 hrs per day (JetRanger). Mobile home (trailer) to myself most of the time with large bedroom and onsuite, food included.


Winter months:5 days on 4 off, average 4.5 hrs per day (LongRanger). Villa on the Caribbean Sea.


Sweet! :up:


OK, I want Icemans digs!!!


However, this seismic camp in a mud pit surrounded by miles of beautiful muskeg and trillions of bugs beats a tent in said place anyday. Good hot showers, internet sometimes and a bed. What more do ya need?


Six weeks in six weeks out. Two days to travel each way in the cheapest seats the company can find.

Motel with kitchenette sat tv and internet included. No tents, no bugs, no cold.

Could be better but it could also be a whole lot worse.

I see we are smimming the bottom of the barrel as far as topics go . I think I should start one asking what kind of soap you use to wash a helicopter.

How about who washes the helicopter? The pilot, the co-pilot, the engineer, the apprentice or the cute girl looking for a ride?


Why would anyone stay in a tent? You have a helicopter? Fly somewhere that you can get a decent nights sleep!

I see we are smimming the bottom of the barrel as far as topics go . I think I should start one asking what kind of soap you use to wash a helicopter.


Always hotels :up:


New topic?


Let's talk about all the Hot Rods picapart has owned ya old seadog ;) ...tell me that's not a pic of your new ride although I think I know the answer. <_<

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