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So after this call...its a don't fly...a ship will be coming to Churchill out of Pickle lake as we speak...good luck folks... thats a long run....so...my buddy ray is on his way to Churchill...thats money well spent...non rev from pickle lake to churchill to do 8 hrs of rev flying...turns out Ray gets weathered in in Island Lake...Mr base manager has to kiss *** as he doesn't have a ship for tomorrow and I am told the base pilot never wants me to come to Churchill ever again....BONUS!!!!!


So...its a year or more since this sh%t went down...I am not working for Midwest anymore...I end up in Churchill flying a longdog for the competition  and I am having lunch in Churchill when over walks my former employee who never wanted me back in Churchill...he is all smiles and hows it going and oh...if you are not doing anything I sure would love you do a charter fore me as he is double booked....I looked at him and said...go get stuffed!!!


Not sure why that was double posted...any ways...I get sent out to Blue River to make the big bucks working on a logging job...my buddy Bob is driving the 205...he is new on the 205...I just tracked the new 212 blades on this ship with bob in WPG....it will do 120 knts no problem...just changed all the trany corner mounts...this ship is smooth as glass...meet Bob in Blue River...out we go to the hill...**** of a drive up the worst fu55king road I ever drove on...we are working for a ffew days and I tell Bob that the front seal on the engine has an oil leak but I will watch it...BOB is getting nervous!!!


I am pumping a million gallons of gas into this ship and Bob is hauling wood from ****...he lands to refuel and tells me he has a light oon the dash...fuel pressure...I tell him to shut down and when things are quiet I tell him to put on a boost pump...pump is running ...light is on...we all know what that means...I tell him to keep on truckin and I will have to pull the right fuel pressure sender out when we quit...I tell him to burn up as much fuel as possible as I will be going into the fuel cell on the right side....to be continued.


So we are done logging...Bob and the riggers load up and f&&k off to the hotel..its me and the ship and the mountain and the dark...I put on the winter cover...fire up the generator for some light and start pulling up the floor to get at the right fuel cell...not TOO many screws...I get the screws out and that panel will not budge...I get and endless strap...grab a 8 foot tree branch from the bush...and start prying...had a comalong....finally the panel gives...now...24 bolts lockwired together to get into the bag...oh yeah...300 lbs of fuel showing on the gauge...well you know where thats going...


I get the switch out...clean the sliver of wood out...bolt it all back together....jump into the truck and drive down this fu##king sh$t of a road trying not to go over the side which would be a nice 5000 foot tumble to the bottom...get back to the hotel at 2 in the morning so I can get up at 4 and do it again...when I got back home I was asked how I liked making the big bucks...I told them to get stuffed!!!!

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