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Looking For Winter Work

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Why would you wanna do something silly like that? :hide: Seismic, Its a tough game. But seriously, I would suggest talking to Mustang in Red Deer or Abitibi in Springbank for instance. But I think all will agree with me here, If you don't already have Seismic experience its going to be tough to walk into something for the winter as may of the summer fire pilots are looking for work and most likely have the seismic experience already.

I would suggest getting you foot in the door now. Come out west and work for a western operator that does seismic. Prove your worth and when the fall slow-down hits, maybe they will like you enough to keep you and lay off someone else.


Good luck, let us all know how you make out! :up: :up:

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Sexual Chocolate,


You hit the nail on the head!


The crew that gives us summer flight operations has top priority for fall and winter work! That is a given, usually around Sept we are looking for relief crew only but thats about it!


Funny how people look for "all that fire work' in the summer, (good luck fellows this year.) But come fall are begging for work!

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Be careful what you wish for. Seismic is a real workingmans job. Typical 28 X12 sched, LONG days, Cold days. customers excpet production. At first it was more furstrating than to learning to hover. After I while it became fun, then it became like groundhog day!


Go for it, just have you eyes wide open.


I do sill enjoy it when I get the chance to do it.

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