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6 hours ago, simpleton said:

Just a heads up on issues being brought up in the U.S. by the FAA regarding COVID vaccines and maintaining pilot medicals. Haven't seen anything from TC up here on the subject as of yet. As a pilot, I don't think it's wise to be lining up for a vaccine shot until TC Medicine makes an official ruling.

FAA Reviewing Whether Pilots Can Take COVID Vaccine - 

TC medicine making an official ruling in reasonable time on anything would be a huge accomplishment. By the time they make up their minds Covid will be talked about like polio.

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11 hours ago, freck said:

TC medicine making an official ruling in reasonable time on anything would be a huge accomplishment. By the time they make up their minds Covid will be talked about like polio.

I sent in the attestation back in July...haven't heard anything from them.


Looks like Transport is giving their blessings to it. Emails are starting to come out from TC about their opinion

See below:

"Please see in the following information in regards to aviation medicals

 Following Today’s PBC meeting discussion on COVID-19 Immunizations, please see the messaging below from Dr. Tyler Brooks. You are welcomed to distribute internally and externally should you deem necessary. 

We have received several inquiries about whether pilots can take COVID vaccine. The questions appear to have been prompted by the article about the FAA position on pilots participating in vaccine trials ( https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/faa-reviewing-whether-pilots-can-take-covid-vaccine/?MailingID=512).

 The title of the article seems to create some confusion about the difference between taking approved vaccines versus participating in medical trials of vaccines.

 Just for clarity:

 ·         It remains the general position of Transport Canada (TC) Civil Aviation Medicine (CAM) that participation in medical trials is not considered compatible with aviation medical certification.  This remains true for the trial of vaccines.

·         However, TC CAM does not restrict or limit aviation medical certificate holders from taking vaccines that have been approved by Health Canada (and the use of which is no longer considered a trial).

·         Furthermore, TC CAM does not impose grounding periods for aviation medical certificate holders who wish to take vaccines approved by Health Canada.

·         The side effect profiles of the various COVID-19 vaccines remain to be clarified. However, assuming that they are similar to influenza vaccines, then the current direction found in the Aeronautical Information Manual will apply:

 ·         AIM (AIR) 3.13 Immunizations https://tc.canada.ca/sites/default/files/2020-10/aim-2020-2_air-e.pdf : “After receiving routine immunizations, such as flu shots or tetanus shots, pilots should remain at the clinic for the amount of time recommended by their health-care provider. In general, this ranges from 15 to 30 min after the immunization. If the pilot feels well and there is no evidence of an adverse reaction, they may resume flying immediately without restriction. If they feel unwell or experience an adverse reaction, they should wait for 24 hr and be assessed by a health-care provider prior to flying. The Civil Aviation Medicine Branch will monitor any new immunization developments and guidelines, and recommendations will be provided as needed."

 ·         Transport Canada will issue alternative direction if necessary; however, the approach outlined above is expected to apply to the COVID-19 immunizations approved by Health Canada."


Yes, I also saw this discussed on another site by fear mongering idiots.

TC had to clarify after the sensationalist clickbait started spreading around the web.

To keep things simple, any MEDICAL TRIALS will nullify your medical.  This could be a trial for the latest "male enhancement" pill or an unproven vaccine of any kind.

This whole conversation is pointless as the vaccine is APPROVED and wouldn't be administered en masse if it wasn't, an emergency approval is still an approval. 




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Yeah well, considering that Canada is the only G7 country without a program to compensate individuals with vaccine injuries, and Trudeau flat out wouldn't answer questions the other day whether the Canadian Government had granted Pfizer a liability indemnification as part of the vaccine contract.  I won't be in the front line risking my ability to hold a medical and earn a paycheck on something that was fast tracked and likely granted liability waivers. Lol, I think I'll just let some of you be the lab rats and I'll sit back for a few months and watch.

Trudeau government silent on drug manufacturer liability for COVID-19 vaccines (citynews1130.com)

I particularly enjoyed this part of the article on Health Canada not answering whether Pfizer was granted indemnification or not:

"It’s standard in many countries to offer some legal exemptions to drug manufacturers when a government procures vaccines in an emergency. In a statement however, Health Canada says it can’t release details of its contracts due to confidentiality clauses."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau only offered vague assurances when asked about the issue this week.

“The contract’s signed. There was questions for liability and Canada has undertaken the necessary measures to ensure that everyone is protected,” he said, stressing the government won’t approve a vaccine unless it’s safe."

Here's to hoping it's all good I guess.

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"I think I'll just let some of you be the lab rats and I'll sit back for a few months and watch."


like you have the option to decide. you're likely months down the road in getting it just like every other common citizen.

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