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As350 B3 Landed On Mt. Everest

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29035' yikes they say they had it up to 33000' I hope that thing was fed with oxygen otherwise we could have a really messed up pilot wow 33000' in a helicopter- take that mountain flying course :)



Cole B)

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4961, is there any pictures on the website you posted, I can't seem to find any, I'll look again. I think it is a awesome thing that someone landed on Everest, great job. The B3 is an amazing machine. I have to admit though it kind of takes the magic away from the mountain. Why climb it when in probably 5 years from now instead of these millionaires paying for a guide to take them to the top, they will pay to fly to the top, get there picture takin and fly off again. That's what makes me nervous.

My question is, I wander how the controls felt ? I must have been like stirring a bowl jello. :shock:

Congrats Didier :up:

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Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of people lined up on Everest looking for rides down, 'widgeon.' ;)


And 'Firehawk,' we already see, sadly, something like you suggest, at Mt. Robson. 'Climbers' (they call themselves) get a helicopter to lift them to a point 2/3 to 3/4 of the way up, and then exult at their 'feat' of attaining the summit. :down: Sir Edmund Hillary must spin in his grave.

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