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2019 changes to Part III of the Labour Code?????

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I didn't realize that Part III of the Canada labour code changed in 2019.

I'm not sure what HAC is trying to argue.


 If I am in the Arctic, I would be on shift.  so what does it matter if the customer wants to go flying in an hour?? Why would I need 24 hour or 96 hour notice? I could see if i'm at home on a rotation and am needed back at work ASAP this could become a problem. What am I missing?????


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Not a lawyer, and just surmising, but my quick answer is it probably  has more to do with operations running from a base. It’s a pretty big “loophole” if you think about it.  Especially regarding overtime/wages/averaging of hours etc etc. 


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7 hours ago, bigD said:

I didn't realize that Part III of the Canada labour code changed in 2019.

I'm not sure what HAC is trying to argue.


 If I am in the Arctic, I would be on shift.  so what does it matter if the customer wants to go flying in an hour?? Why would I need 24 hour or 96 hour notice? I could see if i'm at home on a rotation and am needed back at work ASAP this could become a problem. What am I missing?????


HAC have assumed, and the whole helicopter industry seems to agree, that they are the big kahuna to represent every person working therein. I hope you notice that the AME's have there own association, which functions very well without any input from HAC. The only reason HAC has it's nose in the working hours of the crew members Pilots/Ame's is because of the dollar $$$ to the Owners Club and shareholders.

The answer to all this is, the Air Taxi Industry get together with the no nothing TCCA and establish certain rules and regulations for companies operating NORTH of a certain parallel, going North or South. The get together should be held in WPG, central point and defined by knowledgeable people, aware of the conditions in 24 hour daylight. TCCA (Ottawa) does not have the people knowledgeable enough of the environment to arrive at the proper decision.

The bureaucrats at headquarters should maybe refer this to a special meeting of the ICAO.

When was the last time regulations were made up in conjunction with the Aviation Industry as a whole and not POLITICO's.

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