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1975, March, in John Richardson Bay on Ellesmere Island on a Polar Shelf job. It was -40 deg and we were sounding the Kane Basin for Inland Waters, with Klondike, a job that meant that we would be gone for 8 hours, fuelling out of caches, never shutting down because of the cold and the remoteness. This also meant that we didn't want to have to take a crap in the great outdoors during our long day. Consequently, just before departure there was a lineup at the only crapper functioning that day. There was someone in the crapper and he was taking his time to do his business with all of the pilots standing in line as takeoff time came and went. We waited patiently at first then with increasing irritation before we realized that it was April 1st. We looked over the walls of the crapper and saw that Joe Kreke, gone these many years, had set his pair of boots in front of the toilet and left to view the results.


Wow Taco Bell too bad that TAPE that you used to hold that sign in place didn't let go and take out the T/R on that R22 then you would have really showed that 100 wonder what a Heli-God you are.......great prank say maybe next time you work with a 100 hour wonder on a jetbox you can say loosen the Jesus nut and see if he finds that what fun....NOT you sound like a real *** WIPE PAL


I wondered how long it would take before someone got pissed about these jokes. 3 pages and we have a winner!


I have been the victim of, and pulled many practical jokes in some of the places I have worked. They are useually just alot of fun, but every now and then someone's had a bad day and thats all it takes.


I have pulled off many many pranks in my career. I think probably the best was at an Air Ambulance base I worked at. Coming straight from the VFR world to the IFR (Dark side) was rather like culture shot for me. These pilots where no longer the fun loving young guys (degenerates) I had worked with up North for years. Instead they where married with kids, terrebly serious and dressed like hotel bell boys. Anyway, before I would go home usually after the A/C was called out. I would install Mc Donalds Ketchup packages folded in half under the nubs of the toilet seat in the facility (hanger, office and rest areas). If placed correctly the effect is quite good (Ketchup from Arse to knee cap). After a while the pilots became wise to the trick. I even got myself one morning, rushing into the hanger after the first morning coffee and smoke only to be plastered in Ketchup. It all came to an end when I inadvertently coated one of the pilots wives bottom who was visiting with the explosive condoment.

Wow Taco Bell too bad that TAPE that you used to hold that sign in place didn't let go and take out the T/R on that R22 then you would have really showed that 100 wonder what a Heli-God you are.......great prank say maybe next time you work with a 100 hour wonder on a jetbox you can say loosen the Jesus nut and see if he finds that what fun....NOT you sound like a real *** WIPE PAL


Well, well, looks like we struck a nerve. You didn’t happen to be a 100 hour wonder back in 1993 working out of the Whitecourt area. I can assure you we used only the highest quality tape and hey if you take a good look around, at most helicopters, from most operators, there is tape on them somewhere. Sometimes there is even some on the blades of that aircraft. How can that be? As far as being an *** wipe “Pal”, I think you’ve got that position all sewn up.


Take a pill, if that don’t work, take the bottle.



:lol: These are some hilarious stories! I'll thrown in one of mine (not really mine, just got to watch), however this is not from the helicopter relm, think more construction. We usually don't do anything extravagent like some of the stuff mentioned as most of the guys (there is one woman, but I really couldn't tell :blink::wacko: ) are criminals, illegal aliens, or drug addicts (maybe all three) and a lot of these guys have seen prison time. We'll do stuff like take hammers and glue them to the floor and then they'll be swearing left and right trying to pull it up off the floor. The most recent however (this is pretty extravagent) was when someone pranked the Super. On the job there are a lot of tractors so someone, at lunch time, got some old beat-to-**** pants, filled them up with rags put some nasty old shoes near the feet and then the driver drove over them. They put a little red coloring on the pants closest to the tires. Someone went running to the Super screaming "Tim! Tim! Someone's been run over by a tractor!" This dude runs out screaming "F**K!!! F**K!! Did anyone call 911, did anyone call 911!! F**K!!" at this point everyone is pissing themselves laughing. He got really, really made for a little bit, but after that he laughed. After that pranks pretty much have dulled down but everyone still B.S.'s the other once and a while.

:) watching some one proudly washing his windows and taking great pride in doing so, and while he steps away from the AC to put his cleaning supplies away, walk over and put finger prints all over the windshield in front of him:)


To those who wear helmets, becareful of this one around many practical jokers, permanant makers rubbed on the ear cups, wear that for hours and imagine the nice black circle left on the sides of your head head.


Had a guy place 50 pounds of weight in my packsack at work. Noticed it before I picked it up. So I place a small peice of styrofoam in the inside of his helmet, which had a felt liner in it, he wore it for a day before I asked him, how his helmet fits........he did notice his helmet wasn't sitting quite that well on his head.


a guy is excited to go home for his time off and flys the airlines home. Please do not leave your bags unattended at the crew house after they are packed, you may find rocks and a lot of extra magazines in your bag when you arrive home and have to pay that extra $50 for heavy Bags :blink:

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