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Mobil 254 vs Mobil Jet II


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Jet 254 is a higher thermal stability oil (HTS).  It will produce less carbon buildup and maintain viscosity to a higher temp. 

The important thing is to pick one and stick with it from the start.  Using 254 in an engine that was running jet II or 2380 will dislodge carbon deposits which can cause blockages and bearing failure.

The manufacturers have laid this all out in their manuals.

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  • 11 months later...
6 hours ago, Lox4 said:

If i mistakely add one tin of mobil jet oil 254 into an engine which normally use mobil jet ii; will have any bad effect on   engine? What action should be taken on this regard?

I'm going to say that the system will have to be drained and filled and inspected for carbon in the strut/scavenge and filter.  I would call a turbine shop to find out more though.

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15 minutes ago, Heliian said:

I'm going to say that the system will have to be drained and filled and inspected for carbon in the strut/scavenge and filter.  I would call a turbine shop to find out more though.

I would have to agree with Heliian but somewhere I saw a list of oils that could be mixed...the 407 uses different oil in the engine and trany but when you have a freewheel seal leak these oils will be mixing which I have seen many times...doesn't seem to be a problem. It has something to do with the mil specs I believe but hey what do I know...check with the manufacturer.

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