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Text from HAC Letter to Stephen Fletcher P.C., M.P.

Minister of State for Transport, titled Regulatory Irritants, dated January 30/13


Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting CADORS


Please note that for the most part, CADORS reports contain preliminary, unconfirmed data

which can be subject to change


The above statement appears at the bottom of each CADOR report issued on the website.

Generally speaking these initial reports contain incorrect information. Frequently these

occurrences are written up and distributed without verification. The first call an operator gets

from their PMI or POI is based on this supplied information. Time and resources are spent first

of all, checking the accuracy of the report then supplying the accurate information to the



Issue: Accuracy checking of CADORS Reports before making them public. These

unsubstantiated reports are immediately available to the public and others. Any immediate

corrected information is not immediately made available. After-the-fact changes to a CADORS

report are difficult to address or get changed as there is no clear responsibility on who has

authority to make changes and or more importantly which organization can authorize a change

to be made. Customers and Media react to these unsubstantiated CADORs very quickly.


The reputation of the operator and future business is affected immediately by an incorrect

CADORS Report. The inability to have its accuracy verified by the principal parties prior to

publishing can put persons responsible for safety and airworthiness in a position of first

correcting the report, then placating and reporting to TCCA POI/PMIs instead of immediate

actions to correct or prevent re-occurrence.


The direct impact on aviation safety is that the current process diverts the attention of persons

who can affect positive change away from the immediate problem and towards being defensive

over unsubstantiated and incorrect CADORs.


Transport Canada has been approached on this issue in the regions and at headquarters. The

operator has approached their PMI and a Safety officer with System Safety in Pacific Region.

Both these persons were sympathetic to the operators concerns but had no official power to

overturn or change a CADOR when another agency expressed reluctance.


A suggestion was made to the operators PMI to have a scheduled hold on CADORs before

going on the official website and providing public access. During this period the principals could

respond to address accuracy with the PMI/POI until the principals and the POI/PMI approve it.

A time period (3 business days) could be agreed on and if there was no operator response, the

CADORS report could go out as written.


807.01 The holder of an ATS operations certificate shall report to the Minister any aviation occurrence information specified in the CADORS Manual in accordance with the criteria and reporting procedures specified in that manual.

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