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Looking for some input from 120 pilots/operators. The Airbus flight manual states that the use of anti-icing additive is compulsory for OAT below 0°C (or -15 if you don't have a fuel flow meter).


What do you guys use / how do you use it?

I see Prist and Dice come in aerosol cans that "ensure the correct mixture" but I can't see how firing a spray can into your tank while fuelling could possibly be precise enough to ensure the required 0.10%-0.15% by volume concentration. How would you allow for pumps with different flow rates? Or how would you allow for non-precise fuel quantities like fueling from drums in the field?


These are all questions I'm hoping to clarify. Thanks in advance for any help!

  • 1 month later...

Interesting... where would one find said SB's?

For the record, aerosol Prist comes in 2 types of cans:

Hi Flo – Calibrated to pump rates of 40-55 GPM




Lo Flo – Calibrated to pump rates of 15-20 GPM


Both are sprayed into the fuel stream while filling the tank to ensure proper mixing with the fuel. I guess the only way to ensure proper concentration though, if starting from untreated fuel in the tank, would be to de-fuel the aircraft and start from empty? :/


Use extreme caution with Prist and Dice. The primary compound in both is Methoxyethanol which is toxic to both bone marrow and testicles.

A fuel flow meter and warm climate in the winter always seemed to work for us....


Use extreme caution with Prist and Dice. The primary compound in both is Methoxyethanol which is toxic to both bone marrow and testicles.

A fuel flow meter and warm climate in the winter always seemed to work for us....


:o I need my testicles still!


Check to see if there is an additional airframe fuel filter installed, as this may eliminate the requirement for anti icing additives as it has for other aircraft.


There is no STC that I, or anyone I've asked, can find for an inline fuel filter similar to the EC30's...


In 15 years of helicopter operations all over the world, I have never used a can of prist. We usually had one in case of an unlikely situation that required it but as said in posts above, the ratios are only guestimated.


If required, fuel with Fuel Sytem Icing Inhibitor(FSII) already mixed is used. The drums we purchased came with it and pretty much all refueling systems at airports that see cold weather (and some that don't) have the capability of adding the FSII at delivery with properly calibrated equipment. Your manuals will give you the proper standards to use and acceptable ratios for your aircraft.


Your manual will also give you the temp ranges for use of "alternate" fuels like Jet B, JP-4, etc. It's been a few years since I was on the 120 so you'll have to do the legwork on that.


The best solution is to just stay out of cold weather ;)

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