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New, Interesting Development In Yzf....

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Amazing News!!! We need an expansion of operations. eyes roll skyward. I would like to start a new thread and ask, "What do you think the Canadian Helicopter industry will look like in 10 Years? I know that can be hard, no one has a crystal ball, but with over 2500 machines in Canada and everybody having a company, with the advancement in drone technology, is this a dying industry? A shift in the Paradigm perhaps? Love constructive input. Don't mean to hijack the thread.

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We are so far away from drones taking over.


Realistically, pipeline surveys and aerial photography may be the first to be hit, but so much of what we do is completely reliant on a customer being there. Not to mention the battery life of a drone is what, 20 min at best...?



I'll jump on the drone band wagon when Westjet has pilotless 737's

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