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Garmin Basecamp Waypoints Converter For Foreflight

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I created a software tool to convert exported waypoints from Garmin BaseCamp to a format that can be imported into ForeFlight.


In order for the tool to work, Excel Macros must be enabled.

For Windows see this link: https://support.office.com/en-nz/article/Enable-or-disable-macros-in-Office-documents-7b4fdd2e-174f-47e2-9611-9efe4f860b12

For Mac, simply click the "Enable Macros" button on startup.


Instructions are detailed within the application.

Application is attached below.


Hope you find it useful.

(Note: I wrote it to support both Mac and Windows, however I don't have Windows for testing, if there are issues with Windows, let me know and I'll try to fix it).


I highly recommend Gaia GPS iPad app for bush flying and handling waypoints, tracks and routes and it's advanced ability of downloading Canadian MNR Topo Maps and Google Satellite imagery for offline usage:






BaseCamp To ForeFlight CSV Converter v1.0.zip

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