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Us Night Hours For Canadian Night Rating

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Guest JetboxJockey

Looking at doing the 10 hours of night flying in the states.


I'm getting conflicting information. One place has told me the US hours can't be applied against a Canadian night restriction because the hours can't be verified.


On the flip side I have been told I can walk into TC with my log book and have the night restriction removed.


I have a Canadian CPL-H and a US PPL-H


Tried calling TC but never heard back from anyone. I guess due to budget cuts they only allow you to leave a message rather than being able to talk to a human being.


Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.


I can't see them not being able to verify the time spent in the US at night. Likely they would want you to hit a Canadian school and go for a rip to check that you know what your doing. How complicated was it getting you FAA PPL?

Guest JetboxJockey

Getting the U.S. ppl used to be as easy as going to the nearest faa office in the states. Showing them your Canadian license and you'd have you us ppl on the spot.


Now days you have to fill out a foreign license verification form with the faa. Wait up to 90 days for an approval letter. Then book and appointment with the nearest faa office.


Think the ft verification is a bs excuse for the Canadian flight schools to make $.


Tc can call the faa to confirm the U.S. instuctors qualifications.


From my stand point it boils down to a cash grab.

Night is night regardless of whether you are in the us or canada. You couldn't pay me to fly at night in the cascade mountains or the Rockies unless ifr.

I have no interest in flying into a black hole regardless of the governing body.


You would have to get the Canadian night rating first before heading down to the states to fly at night. Faa does not have "night rating", it is included in the ppl, but since you're doing a conversion, the faa ppl is linked to your Canadian cpl which any restrictions is apply to your faa ppl.


Why wouldn't you be able to fly with an instructor in the US at night and have your logbook certified by the school down there? You would be also be provided with a receipt as proof. Just make sure that the flying conforms to the Canadian 10 hr requirements. I already had lots of night time when I did the FAA ppl and then eventually the FAA Com. So I can't confirm that it wouldn't be without hiccups. Ask TC about that. Good luck.



Not sure if the OP intends to go through with FAA Commerical ( written and flight test needed).

I was referring to the Canadian Commercial. A private license can have a night rating, but on the commercial it is a daylight only restriction removal. No where on my TCCA Com Heli Lic does it say "Night Rating".

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