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Cadors Number: 2014P1801 Occurrence Category(ies):
  • System/component failure or malfunction [powerplant]

Occurrence Information Occurrence Type: Incident Occurrence Date: 2014-10-12 Occurrence Time: 1521 Z Day Or Night: day-time Fatalities: 0 Injuries: 0 Canadian Aerodrome ID: Aerodrome Name: Occurrence Location: Martin Creek Province: British Columbia TC Region: Pacific Region Country: Canada World Area: North America Reported By:
  • Transportation Safety Board of Canada
AOR Number: TSB Class Of Investigation: Class 5 TSB Occurrence No: A14W0162
Occurrence Event Information

Aircraft Information Registration Mark: FDPN Foreign Registration: Flight #: Flight Rule: IFR Aircraft Category: Helicopter Country of Registration: Canada Aircraft Make: ROBINSON Aircraft Model: R44 II Year Built: 2005 Amateur Built: No Engine Make: AVCO LYCOMING Engine Model: IO-540-AE1A5 Engine Type: Reciprocating Gear Type: Land Phase Of Flight: Approach Damage: No Damage Owner: OPSMOBIL INC. Operator: OPSMOBIL INC. (4136) Operator Type: Commercial CARs Subpart:
Aircraft Event Information
  • Engine - malfunction
  • Engine shut down

Occurrence Summary Date: 2014-10-23 Further Action Required: No O.P.I.: Narrative: TSB Report#A14W0162: The OpsMobil R44 II, C-FDPN, was approaching an oilfield site at Martin Creek, BC when the low rotor RPM horn came on while the pilot was setting up to land. The aircraft was at 300 feet AGL when the pilot started the autorotation procedure. During the flare, the engine (Avco Lycoming IO-540-AE1A5) power returned and the pilot was able to press on a little further to a grassy spot. When the collective was pulled to land, the engine and rotor RPM decayed again and the low rotor RPM sounded but the pilot was able to land safely. After landing, engine power was back to normal and a shutdown was performed. Maintenance was dispatched and a magneto was replaced. A satisfactory test flight was carried out and the helicopter was returned to service.

Please note that for the most part, CADORS reports contain preliminary, unconfirmed data which can be subject to change.


No, and I doubt it was IFR either. A few errors me thinks......


Glad everything worked out.


Aircraft Information Registration Mark: FDPN Foreign Registration: Flight #: Flight Rule: IFR




I may not be the biggest robbie fan, but I don't think I would call it "amateur" built.. <_<


Sounds like a well handled emergency. I'm wondering though, why such a great power loss on one mag? From what I recall, the mag failures did reduce some available power but not to the extent described. Unless of course the timing was off on the other one. There are some instances where the #1(r/h side) mag won't get set properly due to Robinson's oil cooler lines being in the way, one of many design flaws. I still don't like their products but they are obviously safe enough for some. Gimme a clapped out jetmangler anyday.

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