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Hmmm. Who's got aircraft near Eckville doing power line construction these days ?


The report says "parts critical to helicopter flight were stolen"... Headsets ? ELT ? Radios ? What else can be easily removed from a helicopter without too many tools ? ... or maybe that's why they have the damages :o


If the machine involved is GTNM, as pictured in the CTV report, it would belong to Heli-Source. There seems to be a tarp covering the right aft side of the cabin in the picture. Could be someone damaged the door while breaking in to the machine (there's a good argument for never locking helicopter doors)...


Tampering with AC is a federal offense I believe.


Any criminal offense in Canada is "federal". We only have one criminal code. A person convicted to less than two years of time will end up in a provincial prison, while anyone getting two years or more goes to federal prison. Hence the reason for the popularity of "two years less a day" sentences.


Tampering with an aircraft can lead to charges under the anti-terrorist and national security laws, which means mucho time in the klink. Like 10 to 15 or more, and for a foreign born person can lead to deportation (even if they hold Canadian citizenship). One nice thing we can thank the conservatives for I suppose... but let's not go there, shall we ? :P

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