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It is interesting to hear terms like, we, pilots, the industry as though the people using these terms represent Helicopter Pilots.


Lets be clear "No One" represents helicopter pilots in Canada!


There is HAC...which is a Union of Helicopter Operators, who only care about themselves and their profits, and in no way represent helicopter pilots!!!!



2/3rds of the way down the page:

Proposed amendments

The proposed regulatory amendment would be introduced in two phases. Phase 1 would cover only air operators operating pursuant to CARs Subpart 705 Airlines Operations, while Phase 2, to be introduced as soon as possible as part of a future regulatory proposal, would apply to all air operators (CARs Subparts 604 Private Operators, 702 Aerial Work, 703 Air Taxi Operations, 704 Commuter Operations and 705 Airline Operations) and would introduce a more comprehensive set of new requirements on flight crew fatigue management.

The following are details related to the proposed regulatory amendment to be included in Phase 1 applicable to air operators operating pursuant to CARs Subpart 705:

  • Annual flight time limitations — The annual flight time limitation would be reduced to 1 000 hours in 365 days.
  • Flight duty time (FDT) limitations — The daily flight time limitation would be amended to introduce a range of FDT from 9 hours to 13 hours, which would be determined based on the start time of the flight duty and by the number of segments of the flight.
  • Rest period — The minimum requirement for a rest period would be clarified in the CARs by modifying the current definition and by creating a new regulation in which a flight crew member would be afforded a period of 10 consecutive hours (for the purpose of obtaining the eight hours of sleep) plus travel time and time for meals and hygiene.
  • Requirements for time free from duty — The current requirement for time free from duty would be modified to 33 consecutive hours free in 168 consecutive hours in which the time free from duty would begin no later than 22:30 and end no earlier than 07:30 on the second subsequent morning.
  • Fatigue Risk Management System — The proposed amendment would introduce the concept of a Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS), to implement on a voluntary basis, and would outline the required components of an effective FRMS. Should an operator have an FRMS in place, the proposed regulatory amendment may allow the operator to move outside of the prescribed limits for FDT by extending the maximum FDT per flight schedule by one hour.

So maximum two weeks (168 hours) of duty days in a row? If you are away from home on shift somewhere, do weather or other non-planned no fly days count as a duty day? Or is there no way to have a shift longer than two weeks?


So maximum two weeks (168 hours) of duty days in a row? If you are away from home on shift somewhere, do weather or other non-planned no fly days count as a duty day? Or is there no way to have a shift longer than two weeks?

I believe that at this point that it only applies to 705 operations, I doubt that would affect them anyways.


It is interesting to hear terms like, we, pilots, the industry as though the people using these terms represent Helicopter Pilots.


Lets be clear "No One" represents helicopter pilots in Canada!


There is HAC...which is a Union of Helicopter Operators, who only care about themselves and their profits, and in no way represent helicopter pilots!!!!

You are exactly right. No one represents pilots in Canada; except the pilots themselves.


Did you submit any comments to CARAC during the comments period? Whether you like it or not, that is currently how the system works.


My comments, directly to CARAC, were contained in a 14 page document. Several other pilots also submitted comments.


While I may be in management at a company who is an HAC member, I am also a pilot. I don't believe my comments would have been any different if I wasn't a manager.

I'm just hoping the proposed rule changes for our sector are a little more common sense and take into account the vast differences in our operations than those of Airlines. This is a common theme with TC ACROSS THE BOARD THESE DAYS..


Trying to impose airline rules on industries like ours is just silly in my opinion (and is definitely not safer). Let's not forget, the purpose of these changes is to improve safety, not improve your lifestyle. That's not really part of TC's mandate.

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I wouldn't worry too much over it. There is a company in Fort Nelson that has a 365 on and 365 on schedule just ask them how easy it is to pencil whip flight duty times.

They can do whatever they want........till something goes wrong. Then the lawyers will take over.


You are exactly right. No one represents pilots in Canada; except the pilots themselves.


Did you submit any comments to CARAC during the comments period? Whether you like it or not, that is currently how the system works.


My comments, directly to CARAC, were contained in a 14 page document. Several other pilots also submitted comments.


While I may be in management at a company who is an HAC member, I am also a pilot. I don't believe my comments would have been any different if I wasn't a manager.

I'm just hoping the proposed rule changes for our sector are a little more common sense and take into account the vast differences in our operations than those of Airlines. This is a common theme with TC ACROSS THE BOARD THESE DAYS..


Trying to impose airline rules on industries like ours is just silly in my opinion (and is definitely not safer). Let's not forget, the purpose of these changes is to improve safety, not improve your lifestyle. That's not really part of TC's mandate.

You are the reason these new regulations are being introduced!!!

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