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Harassing Boaters On Okanagon Lk

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The pilot is doing his/her job professionally and safely. Boaters don't know s..t as to what safe is.

No rules were broken here.

Too many times did I see idiot boaters getting closer and closer to our dip.

They increase unnecessary risks as pilots have to look out for those knuckleheads

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One thing I try to keep in mind these days is that almost everyone has a camera on their phone or some other video recording device and you never know when someone is going to make you the feature of their little video production.


So, don't break the rules or stunt fly, etc. because inevitably it will end up on the 6 o'clock news or on the Internet. The pilot could probably have safely dipped within five feet of a boat but you have a lake full of vacationing boaters some of whom are "indulging" and want to record the festivities so it's best to stay away as R0T0R mentioned. Now that the media has gotten a hold of it, it's become a big deal and a huge safety issue and buddy filming it has gotten his five minutes of fame as well.


I remember years back when a good friend of mine dumped a nice cold bucket of water on a friend of his who was driving his open cab tractor on his farm. Ah, the good old days... Nobody video recorded it, no one called the TV news, no TC investigation, no license suspension, etc., just a few laughs later at the BBQ. We live in different times now.


One could argue too that what if he had a mechanical failure and had to put it down in the lake? Where would have have gone? Best to stay clear of the peanut gallery.


I hope everyone is having a busy and safe summer,



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One could argue that seeing the floaters and dipping,with "obstacles" in plain view, within auto-rotation distance of a shoreline and mini-beach is heaps better than dipping out amongst "indulging" power-boaters towing tubes and whatnot on your blindside…..Sensationalism of a non-event as far as I can tell.

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The pilot is doing his/her job professionally and safely. Boaters don't know s..t as to what safe is.

No rules were broken here.

Too many times did I see idiot boaters getting closer and closer to our dip.

They increase unnecessary risks as pilots have to look out for those knuckleheads

Exactly. Better to dip with all "obstacles" in plain-sight than try and manoeuvre a 3200lb bucket away from an unseen,powered "obstacle" that darts in from the right side.

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