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Bell 205 Falling Off Jack's

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Who cares?


Is there something to be gained by spreading information like that? Is it in the interest of making the industry safer, learning from others mistakes, learning better maintenance practices, or just airing dirty laundry??????


Obviously you've got something against an operator who sounds like they had a bad day, which seems to make your day better.....


I shake my head at the uselessness of some of these posts on here.......


PS: More breaking news: Did you hear Ernie dropped his lunchbox in the coffee room this morning????

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Well, if that is true....perhaps the details could be posted on the incident to prevent it from happening to someone else !!???! The potential of a serious injury is high when supports fail......


Perhaps Mike could open a new forum called "SMS", where people could voluntarily post accident/incident reports so we can all learn from them. As an industry, under SMS, don't we all want to foster a "culture of safety" ? Wonder how many operators would stand for that...


Sorry, couldn't resist. Currently sitting in the classroom doing my annual company SMS training... :P

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Yes, yes there is; hopefully to help the rest of from making the same mistake. That's the whole purpose of the forum, to share information. Why would you think it's dirty laundry, or a dig against a specific operator?



Who cares?


Is there something to be gained by spreading information like that? Is it in the interest of making the industry safer, learning from others mistakes, learning better maintenance practices, or just airing dirty laundry??????


Obviously you've got something against an operator who sounds like they had a bad day, which seems to make your day better.....


I shake my head at the uselessness of some of these posts on here.......


PS: More breaking news: Did you hear Ernie dropped his lunchbox in the coffee room this morning????

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I have photos that were given to me and permission given, to use with discression, of an aircraft that had a jack fail and it ended up on its side. We use it to show new apprentices what can happen and is an excellent training opportunity. The difference is we have permission and it isn't based on an usubstatiated rumour in an anonomous posting on an open website. The company that has delivered the photos to me is also a well respected leader in safety culture and SMS.

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It's happened more than once and to some very reputable operators. I have attached a Rotor Breeze article that has some pictures. The 407 is particularly scary I think as I imagine you wouldn't even know where to begin with maintenance action after the incident.


A guy I know told me it happened to him with a 212 but luckily he had the overhead hoist attached and he held the tail to control the swinging when the jacks fell... Pretty darn close! Like the article says, sometimes we think that aircraft incidents and accidents only happen when we're operating but plenty of stuff goes on in hangars. If I had a dollar for every hangar I've seen that had the perfect imprint of a medium blade in the door about 13 feet up I could buy a nice single malt...




P.S. Apparently I have not attached the Rotor Breeze article because I keep getting error messages when attempting to do so... If anyone would like it let me know. For those that know how to find them it was the October 2003 edition.

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