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Ppc Or Pcc's, Whats Happening Now

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Anyone know the status of PPC and PCC, or what is coming down the pipe?

I have a couple questions,


1) Does the Chief Pilot have to do a PPC ride with Transport Canada designated examiner, or can he appoint a company pilot, and have him do all the rides for their staff pilots, including the Chief Pilot himself. If so, can he be a summer contract pilot.


2) If the new rules come into place, or are they changing to PPC only, can you do PPC on each other within the company, if your PPC is still valid from last year, or still need Transport Canada designated examiner?


3) Any changes with company training pilot still cannot do PPC rides with staff pilots? It still has to be a different person?


I have found that asking Transport Canada inspectors just confuses you, and they will just give you their opinion only, which is different from Region to Region, so lets have a few other opinions.




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Anyone know the status of PPC and PCC, or what is coming down the pipe?

I have a couple questions,


1) Does the Chief Pilot have to do a PPC ride with Transport Canada designated examiner, or can he appoint a company pilot, and have him do all the rides for their staff pilots, including the Chief Pilot himself. If so, can he be a summer contract pilot.


2) If the new rules come into place, or are they changing to PPC only, can you do PPC on each other within the company, if your PPC is still valid from last year, or still need Transport Canada designated examiner?


3) Any changes with company training pilot still cannot do PPC rides with staff pilots? It still has to be a different person?


I have found that asking Transport Canada inspectors just confuses you, and they will just give you their opinion only, which is different from Region to Region, so lets have a few other opinions.






1. The CP does not need to do a PPC ride with TC, only a ride PPC ride with an ACP. This person can not be a subordinate pilot.The ACP monitor must be done with a TC inspector.


2. The 2 year PPC with a PCC done by the the 1st day of the 13 month month is gone. The PCC exemption in lieu of a PPC can still be done as long as you have the allowances in your Ops Manual.This PCC is valid for 12 months as is a PPC.

The PCC can be done by an approved pilot as long as he has completed the written test and this test has been corrected by TC.


3. Company training pilots (who are ACPS) are able to do PPC on all company pilots as long as they are not the Chief Pilot or the owner. (conflict of interest) The catch is the training pilot cannot train the pilot then do the PPC on that person. (they can do both with written authorization from TC under certain curcumstances) Nothing states that the training pilot (must be a ACP) can do some of the training, then another pilot does the rest of the training and a PPC recommendation is done, Then the first training pilot (ACP) can do the PPC.


The limits of the ACP authority is written in the ACP Manual.


Hope this may clear up some issues.

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Are there still provisions out there for ICP's ? (Independant Check Pilot vs Accredited Check Pilot) A few years back, I worked for a company who had an ICP come in to do PPC's instead of a TC inspector. He was approved to do PPC's for a number of small companies in the region.


Personally, I've only ever had one PPC with a bona fide TC inspector. The rest were all done by ACP's or ICP's.


Where I'm working now, they did away with the two-year PPC. We do a full PPC every year with the company ACP (who is the Chief Pilot, BTW). We can do some training with the CP, but most of it is handled by the designated company TP (who has about 10,000 hours more on the clock than the CP).


I was told TC is still tolerating the two-year deal for companies that have it until the next time they submit an amendment to their Ops Manual, at which point they "suggest" they switch over to annual PPC's. From what I'm told, it currently takes TC 18 months to approve amendments to Ops Manuals...

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Here's a CBAAC that also discusses the exemption



703.91 deals with the validity period and the expired exemption extende validity period to 2 years with a PCC being conducted before the 1st day of the 13th month.

703.88 deals with requirement for a PPC and the exemption allows an operator to conduct PCCs annually with no PPC required. The company check pilot does a PPC annually with TC and completes a self study exam every 5 years. He does not need to be a DACP.

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Here is a statement that many will disagree with I am sure: a PCC does not need to be conducted by a different pilot than the one who did his training. Even if your COM states that "check rides" cannot be conducted by the training pilot....by definition a PCC is not a check ride.

I know for a fact there is some "regional disparity" in the enforcement of this one...

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