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I would like to express thanks to everyone that has helped in this endeavor, and the list is long! I met with Dr. Julie Booke yesterday in Calgary and she showed me the current state of data (and did not show me anything whatsoever in terms of anyone's identity, nor did I ask).


I am very pleased, and I think everyone else that feels the same will be as well. We are approaching 600 pilots having signed the petition! And less than 50 that haven't. The question about what we would like to see in terms of regulations (I can't remember the number of the question but it was the one about what you would choose between the current regs, the HAC proposal, the WG report and there was a "I don't know enough to answer option" as well) was answered with "the current regs" in first place (I think it was around 300 pilots) and "the HAC proposal" in 2nd with around 200.


The "WG Recommendations" had 43 pilots wanting it. To each their own, as my Mother would say, which is the point of this whole exercise; I think the new regs (if they become regs) are probably ok for Airliner pilots but don't work for the vast majority of helicopter pilots, nor their entire operations. I think we can accept something that we don't believe makes sense when it doesn't impact us, but when it does we need to push back. We should probably push back on nonsensical rules even when they don't impact us, but people are very busy and don't seem to have time for what's essential let alone taking on optional duties.


Anyway, let's get to 1000 pilots! We will keep the petition open until the 28th at least. Dr. Booke is processing the data daily so we can act quickly when we close and need to submit. A complete report will be presented at the end of the process, with no one identified of course.


Thanks again and here's the link:






P.S. I think the Russians and Nigerians have hacked the forum! Or maybe there are a bunch of immigrants in the industry suddenly! Just kidding... But seriously how are these "New Threads" actually getting through the system of security on the website?

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Good morning Corey and fellow aircrew. If HAC really wants to represent the entire Helicopter industry maybe a working group should be started to address some of the short comings of CARS pertaining to the Aircrew. Maybe this would help with future issues withTC. Just an idea Steve Schulte

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If HAC wants to represent the entire Helicopter industry maybe a working group should be started to address some of the short comings of CARS pertaining to the Aircrew. Maybe this would help with future issues with TC...


I was actually thinking of something similar... Clear your inbox for a PM Steve, apparently you're at capacity!



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