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No suprise, they take over good companies and turn them inside out (venture), Watch out for what they can do, if the go ahead and keep that freak :angry: :down: (pun intended) they inherited from AES. Holding nothing back the french connection and that monster that Airborne created make anything look bleak. Help us to rid our profession of small man syndrome, please. :stupid:

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Actually under french management it was working quite well, only when the new GM came over from Venerial Racoon did things really shite the bed. And he is English. And as far as Venture goes they were bleeding money for along time hence the arrival of BA who even in his infinite wisdom and very deep pockets knew he could not undo what had been done by the previous owner(Not Harry C) but the one after. He was the guy so desperate for money that he opened the door to the Lion's cage so to speak.....

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Now now gentlemen, if things are in if fact as bad as you say with this particular operator then let it be!!! They will eventually sink down to the same level as CHL and become the best competition we could ever ask for!! :up: (except for dropping the rates down the sewer of course :down: )

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In some cases, Mustangs rates are much better than another Quebec based company...operating 50 aircraft in the West. JetBox, can you guess who I'm talking about ! I have inside info that Mustang tried, but declined to take over a 300 hr ski contract from the "above mentioned" company, 'cause the rates were TOO LOW even for them.

Can you say R-44 rates for a BA? OK, well, cheap 206 rates for a BA then.

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Remember, there are only a limited number of company's and jobs out there so sometimes you have to suck it up and make the best of it. All companies have some strange business stategies and sometimes they work or sometimes they fail. Occasionally it takes a couple of years to see if the stategy is working and if they don't have the resources to continue then they will just disappear. Take a look at the companies that have been around for years, everyone has issues. ;)

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Mustang's rates are higher than alot of companies out there. Just because they offer a good service and know how to market their equipment, people think they work for free, not true.


Everyone always has personal problems with one person or another, but I actually like the current management at Mustang.

Mr. Freake, and Mr. Cote included. The previous management was good too.


Some people, no matter who they work for, or what they are doing will always seem to find things to complain about...


Please, before you go trashing someone elses employer, make sure it's because of your own valid personal experience not just because you read something nasty on the internet or heard some juicy gossip from someone who knows someone...

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