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Found this shocker today while surfing. I can't believe this is really out there. A simple 1.5 hour DVD aimed to teach anyone how to fly a helicopter without even touching one. Fifty bucks says the 1st buyer of this disk is the guy in the famous 300CB video who takes to the air with no instruction.

Learning to fly these things is like learning to ride a bike. You can have all the theory in the world, but go the 1st time without training wheels (instructor) and you are gonna get hurt. :wacko:

Click here


I especially like the tagline:


Learn how to fly a helicopter from your living room!!!!


Is it just me or doesn't a line like that just scream out "IF YOU BUY THIS DVD THEN YOU'RE ALREADY DEAD!"


... unbelievable.


I looked at this guy's website for other titles for sale. Among them were....

How to Fly the C130 Hercules,

How to Fly the B-17 Flying Fortress, and

How to Fly the Northrop T38 Lightning.


I think he might be the right person to market my new book for me.......


I got my Heli license in a Cracker Jack box as anyone who has flown with me can attest - can't take the Heli course till I finish my "Brain Surgery for Dummies Course" - I especially like the "How to Convert Kitchen Knives into Surgical Tools" chapter. Too bad about the cat - should have finished reading the chapter before doing the homework.


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