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I bet there will be a sweet benefit/discount package in the works... (If not already)

A friend in Banff works as a retail manager and gets outstanding benefits/discounts...


OK........I know that sometimes it takes me a while to catch on, buttttt.....


is alpine on the block or what......find it hard to believe(shaking head icon missimg)


To us drivers in the east this was the company regarded as the "best" anywhere.


407.....what gives?


my read on the press release above describing the purchase strongly suggests intrawest has a great deal of confidence in alpine's future... having tested the waters at a 45% commitment since 1999... they are now obviously prepared to commit their support to the entire 100%... while i'm no MBA, i would suggest this investment speaks volumes for their confidence in alpine's "team" of employees...


good on ya!!




What was that shot about LAMANATED ? Some attempt at humor ?


The truth be known, there are only a few guys getting on toward retirement years in the entire fleet.

The biggest problem now is that there is simply no movement or turn-over in the Pool (pilots), everyone has their favorite Lodge or Ski Operation, have been there for a while, and are not looking at leaving.

There are a bunch of excellent young pilots just waiting for a 212 seat to open.


The average pilot-hours in the fleet is very high, (probably up in the 8,000 to 10,000 hr range?).


As far as the Engineers go, they tend to be younger than the average pilot, and there's a lot of talent there. The Engineer I work with is only 23, and one of the finest Medium/Heavy guys you'll ever meet.


I suggest that you do some research prior to poking fun / throwing rocks or whatever that was :D




As an employee I think the Intrawest deal is Fantastic news. What a perfect blend of three amazingly successful companies, Intrawest, Alpine and CMH.






I'm OK Jiggler, that comment about 99% of us on CPP pissed me off, as it's so far from true. I bet the majority of the crew are in the 30 to 45 age group.


Got your message as we were walking out the door this PM, will respond in the AM with the appropriate info. Just finished off a few mugs with Marty the assassin !


4961 (or is it 11,200 now?) What do you think? I'd say that if they own the town and the Hill, then they will use their own aircraft soon ! heck, we even have crew living there now :D

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