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Best Gps?

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G-Day Folks,


I would like some input on what you feel is the best operational VFR GPS for Helicopter Bush Flying. Preferably one that will mount right into the console as opposed to on top. There is a smash of them out there that are great for IFR however I am looking for a user friendly unit that best suits hands on flying while giving maximum benfit to various utility helicopter applications. Another must in this day and age is ability to connect to a PC.


Input Appreciated,

Fly Safe


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Well I haven't used one myself, but if I had the money to spare on a gps, I don't think there is anything better than a garmin 696 loaded up with topo canada version 4.0 with all the shaded relief and everything. Huge screen, uses same brackets for ram mounts as the other x96 gps's by garmin, takes normal SD memory cards and its designed for aviation. There have been a few flights where I was fumbling with a map finding myself a pass through the mountains that I have thought it would be such a treat to have a 696. My maps would probably last way longer since I wouldn't touch them haha.

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