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Just heard BC Forest Service contract Rappel/hoist B212 working in Alaska a few weeks ago had an engine failure due to a fuel line to one engine inadvertently disconnecting? Anyone hear anything? I don't think any other damage or whatever. Haven't seen anything on CADORS.


do you have any other info?


A BC contracted machine working alaska, and looking for a cadors report just seems odd on all fronts.


either it's a rumor of a rumor of a rumor or we're looking for Waldo....need some more help here.


Under the various wildland firefighting compact agreements (i.e. NW Compact) a BC Forest Service contracted rotorcraft on a 90 day + contract can cross the border into i.e. Washington/Alaska to assist outside of the normal NAFTA requirements including the BC Forest Service crew assigned to the aircraft.


I believe under CADORS a Canadian regulated commercial air carrier would have to file an incident report.


I don't think it is a rumor of the incident, apparently one of the helicopters assigned to the BCFS Salmon Arm, BC rapattack base was involved.




A BC contracted machine working alaska, and looking for a cadors report just seems odd on all fronts.


either it's a rumor of a rumor of a rumor or we're looking for Waldo....need some more help here.


I believe under CADORS a Canadian regulated commercial air carrier would have to file an incident report.



Thats the catch that makes this a search for Waldo.

I personally have had to endure countless searches, (many leading nowhere) knowing a component was involved in an accident/incident and no Cadors report to refer to. Eventually the operator will find a vague pilots report that will have just enough information on it. Yay for the professional operators out there who do follow the rules. Thumbs down to those who try and slip under the radar.


Add to this quest that it's a cross border shopping excursion, and who knows if, or when a report will be filed and on which side of the border. I haven't even seen anything on the FAA either.


This could be one of those "if a tree falls in the forest..." scenarios.

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Just heard BC Forest Service contract Rappel/hoist B212 working in Alaska a few weeks ago had an engine failure due to a fuel line to one engine inadvertently disconnecting? Anyone hear anything? I don't think any other damage or whatever. Haven't seen anything on CADORS.


You guys just crack me up!! You get so effing involved in rules and regulations that none of you seem to see the real problem in the post. Who give a rats arse what rules it was working under? The thing you should be concerned about is how the frig can a fuel line on a 212 "inadvertently disconnect" If the line(s) are properly installed and check tightened in the first place in accordance with good maintenance practices how the H--l can it possibly "inadvertently disconnect"?? Sounds lika a big case of really crap maintenance on the part of the Enginneer and the operator to me. Who in Canada has 212's on rappel contracts with B.C.F.S. this year? Just curious.


Hey Splitpin, don't p*ss on the parade here! Everyone else was tracking down a rumour and you had to spoil it with a legitimate question.


It's people like you what cause unrest, I swear.


But now that you mention it, I did scratch my head over the "disconnect" bit. I can't think of where you'd inadvertantly disconnect the fuel line to the oil-fuel heater - or where it could loosen without plenty of notice to the pilots and maintainers: you'd probably notice the raw fuel running over the cabin roof, from under the engine cowl, and out the belly drains. Heck, you'd think that was why the engineer does a leak-check on the first start.


Quick survey: how many medium engineers do a first-start leak check?


Here we go again. What a frickin JOKE. We don't even know if it happened and we have the experts lining up to point fingers and blame. Pretty embarrassing industry we live in sometimes. I used to go to JH just to have my IQ lowered, now I can come here and suffer the same consequences.


Here we go again. What a frickin JOKE. We don't even know if it happened and we have the experts lining up to point fingers and blame. Pretty embarrassing industry we live in sometimes. I used to go to JH just to have my IQ lowered, now I can come here and suffer the same consequences.


Oh it happened all right! It's just well buried.

BTW, WTF is JH and your IQ? ;-)

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