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Is that a recent photo? Or has someone not performed an SB or something?


(harkening back to the achy breaky tailboom of a couple of years ago)

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KUALA LUMPUR - Three crew members suffered Weststar Aviation Services moment of panic when AgustaWestland AW139 helicopters, they take a problem while at an altitude of 15 meters near the Sultan Abdul Aziz Airport in Subang, Shah this morning.


Ketiga-tiga mereka iaitu juruterbang, Kapten Syahfrilhaidi Abdul Rahman, 38, pembantu juruterbang, Kapten Nor Azhari Mat Yunos, 35 dan jurulatih juruterbang, Kapten Mohd Zamri Mohamed, 44, bagaimanapun hanya cedera ringan dan menerima rawatan pesakit luar di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM) selepas helikopter itu melakukan pendaratan secara pra-kawalan. The three were the pilot, Captain Syahfrilhaidi Abdul Rahman, 38, co-pilot, Captain Mat Nor Azhari Yunos, 35 trainers and pilot, Captain Mohd Zamri Mohamed, 44, however, only minor injuries and received outpatient treatment at the University Malaya Medical Centre ( UMMC) after the helicopter was landing in the pre-control.


Pengarah Urusan Weststar Aviation Services Tan Sri Syed Azman Syed Ibrahim berkata kejadian itu berlaku pada kira-kira pukul 8.17 pagi ketika ketiga-tiga mereka sedang menjalani latihan penerbangan di lapangan terbang tersebut. Weststar Aviation Services managing director Tan Sri Syed Azman Syed Ibrahim, said the incident happened at about 8:17 o'clock in the morning when all three were undergoing flight training at the airport.


“Ketika terbang pada ketinggian 15 meter, helikopter itu dikesan mengalami kerosakan dan mereka terus memaklumkan kepada pengawal lapangan terbang untk melakukan pendaratan secara pra-kawalan. "When you fly at an altitude of 15 meters, the helicopter was found damaged and they continue to inform the airport controller analogue or landing in the pre-control.


“Punca kerosakan pada helikopter itu akan disiasat oleh Weststar dan Jabatan Penerbangan Awam,” kata Syed Azman kepada pemberita di pejabatnya di Jalan Ampang di sini hari ini "The cause of damage to the helicopter is being investigated by Weststar, and Department of Civil Aviation," said Syed Azman told reporters at his office in Jalan Ampang here


Katanya sebagai langkah keselamatan semua penerbangan sembilan buah helikopter AgustaWestland AW139 akan diberhentikan sementara sehingga siasatan punca kerosakan diketahui lewat petang ini. He said security measures in all nine flights AgustaWestland AW139 helicopters are suspended until the investigation is known to cause damage later this evening.


Menurut Syed Azman, helikopter tersebut baru dibeli pada tiga bulan lepas dari Itali serta juruterbang yang memandu juga adalah seorang yang berpengalaman dan kejadian tersebut adalah pertama kali berlaku. Syed Azman, recently bought the helicopter in the last three months from Italy and the pilot who is driving is also an experienced and is the first time the incident occurred.


Helikopter itu yang boleh memuatkan seramai 15 penumpang digunakan untuk menghantar pekerja ke Kerteh, Terengganu dan Kota Baharu, Kelantan untuk memberi perkhidmatan servis terhadap tujuh syarikat minyak dan gas di sana. The helicopter, which can accommodate 15 passengers used to send workers to Kerteh, Terengganu and Kota Baharu for servicing of seven oil and gas company there.



Malay translated to English by GOOGLE


Weststar AW139 - yesterday in Malaysia, Training Captain and Two training Pilots.


training pilots or pilots under training??


Anyways, over on that "english" site they are mentioning that there may be some (very) hard landing issues too. If you look at the other photo's available, one can clearly see she sits a tad low...





Essentially what i was saying was that this incident had nothing to do with the incident a few years ago where the tailboom spontaneously folded up on the ground.

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