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Cheapest B2S In North America

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I have so many friends that like to rant on and on. That's not me. Normally. But when a company that has their office between Calgary and Edmonton, and their owner in Quebec, offers B2s at less than a thousand dollars an hour (this is fact, not rumor) because they're "subbing" for 500s they DON'T have I have to draw the line! Charge a decent rate and if you don't have the machine someboidy wants then tell them that for @#$% sake! Don't give them twice the machine for the same price! That is so short term thinking!


My rant.



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I have confidence that just desserts will come eventually for this company.


Unfortunately, they're a wart thats not going anywhere too soon.

And sadly, there are more of them out there at the same time, as well as waiting in the wings when they fail.


I guess in a nutshell, the canadian helicopter industry is part of its own failure as long as someone somewhere thinks they'll make a buck

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As a pilot all you need is a job with good machines, good roster and good pay? If you company can afford to sell a B2 at rock bottom prices, wouldn't that be a good place to work? Assuming they pay an hourly you would think the client would fly the s#%t out of that thing, in turn making the pilot lots of $$

Does seem strange a B2 going out for 500 rates though? Especially this time of year?

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s a pilot all you need is a job with good machines, good roster and good pay? If you company can afford to sell a B2 at rock bottom prices, wouldn't that be a good place to work? Assuming they pay an hourly you would think the client would fly the s#%t out of that thing, in turn making the pilot lots of $$

Does seem strange a B2 going out for 500 rates though? Especially this time of year? "



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Just Playing "devil's advocate" here but say you promised a really good client a 500 and when the time came it was U/S and you had the option of subbing in a B2 till said 500 was available would you do it? If I owned a company I know I would!


Have to agree with you Deep Throat,

The company I worked for did the same on occasions when the cheaper machine was unavailable or U/S. Its better that way than to send the customer down the road and let someone else take over your work. Its about service to your customer.

Im sure the B2 wont be flying at 500 rates all season. You will probably see a 500 parked there before too long.

Stewart has become a very popular place for helicopters and with 3 companies in town and 1 or 2 others flying contracts close to Stewart the competition has gotten strong and if you pass over the work even for a day or 2 it could bite you in the ***.

It will be an interesting year or 2 up there Im sure as I heard other companies have dropped rates considerably.

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Although I disagree with the practice, another consideration is from the psychological stand point. You don,t have the 500, offer them the B2, and wham, they are in love with it and can,t live without it, regardless of the cost. :shock:


Marketing at it,s finest!

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